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I Forge Iron

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i gotta finish a knife, commissioned by an old freind of mine who is now in the can navy on tour, hope to have it done befor he gets down and if i finish that i have 2 more blades waiting for hardware, so i have loads to do


Oh, not much. I'm going to run a Y1K bloomery and hopefully get a nice high C bloom for forging into "dark ages" knives. I'm also working on a ladder pattern PW knife I hope to trade for a copy of the Berlin "Foundry Cup". I'm coaching a few students through welding up billets. And as part of the running the bloomery I hope to clean up a lot of misc junk wood about the place as part of the preheat.

Oh yes tonight I need to mix up another batch of cob and top off the bloomery making it a full 5' from the bottom of the pit to the open maw at the top! As well as chop chunk charcoal and measuring out charcoal and ore "fast loads"

I've had a fire running full time in it since Tuesday so the bottom is well dried I just wanted a bit more height and at the top it won't matter so much that the cob is a bit "green".

Full moon Saturday night---will make it nice to sit around the bloomery toasting sausages, marshmallows, etc while it runs until it's 'done".


Going to make a dinner bell, some RR spike fredricks crosses, regular fredricks crosses, a hardy tool from a milling machine tooth,and work on an oyster knife. I should be nice and busy.


I agree with Derek, pics of the bloomery would be nice.


I should have added that I hope to be working on a couple of "bean can" forges (one for my Dad, and one for my son and I), a couple of small snakes out of 3/8" for my two nephews birthdays, and a hosta leaf fountain commission out of stainless sheet. Other than that, the constant cleaning and updating of the shop. Hope I have time to make progress on them all!



Why, it's just 5' of cob in a ragged cylinder with a couple of feet of flame dancing on the top and I look worse than that!

Thomas hoping for some high C wrought iron tomorrow night


getting ready for Brian Brazeal's visit next weekend working on the shop and making a few tools

He's a really nice and knowledgeable smith. I watched him demo at the Mississippi Forge Council shop. A real treat!

I had to pick up lumber yesterday, but I got around to a client's firepoker. 28 inches total length from 1/2" square bar. I had to do a diamond flare up towards the handle. I've never done that, so I had to do some test pieces first. "Learnt sumthin'" new! :)

The handle end has a loop for hanging. Right after the loop is the diamond flar, about five inches long. Then the shaft! Client's specs said no twists or anything, but I did break the edges of the stock. The end is a hook style with a slight tapered point. Total time is a little under an hour! I'll finish it up today and get pics.

Today I am going to try to get to the clients 30" grill fork. I'm trying to do it out of 5/16" square, but it is difficult to get a good strong split in that size. Messed up try #1 up yesterday, and since I didn't do a test piece first, I lost 30" of stock! TEST PIECE folks! Just ask Mr. Clay Spencer! LOL You spend a week under him and he'll drive that into your head, like it or not! :)
Anyway, this piece is a fork on one end, twist in the middle, and a split heart on the handle end.


Well it's no longer friday, it's saturday and the plans I had had for firing up the coal forge have been dampened by rain and wind. :huh:
That allows me to clean up my shop (forge is outside) and get projects ready for the next dry day. Maybe this afternoon will be nice.

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. James



Well, I did finish the poker yesterday, but couldn't get to the fork. Too much other stuff around here to do. We unloaded about 1000 board feet of mostly 1x10's and then picked up 25 sheets of 1/2" OSB and 30 bags of the 80 pound concrete. Consequently we had to unload that as well. That doesn't leave much energy for smithin'.





MAN that flare was a pain. :huh: Total time is an hour.

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