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I Forge Iron

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Great little toy! I also want one.

But, you had better keep it hidden from the bladesmiths, the chain belt on the motor in the third picture would make a nice knife billet.



Those chains arent hard to get, it's out of a toyota transfer case, lots of transfer cases have them. Not too hard to drive a pin out and shorten, I suppose ya could put in longer pins and make any width you want.
A friend got an old skidder, needed engine work. Pullin the detroit, with the bell housing was about its limits, I put it in his shop for him.
Another truck part I used was a 1 ton truck hub, cut the axle housing off, and attached a ram to one of the lug stud holes for the pivot under the mast, that rotated side to side on a turntable.
Thinking of using a truck hub for a rotating boom in the shop. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of my old trucks, haha.



Good guess, it was a Yanmar C10R tracked dumper, had a small dumptruck like bed on it. Then I added a blade, then I thought a little boom would be handy, kinda transformed over a few years. I can take the boom and all off with 8 bolts, and a couple quick connects and put a dump bed on.
My shop hydraulic pump was down, had to turn a pulley for that pump, so I plugged the tractor into the system and ran my lathe and my press off it.
Also have a wood splitter to plug into it.
One year I was doing work for the forest service, building fence, I mounted an auger on it, made racks on the sides to carry materials. Built some trail with it, have a couple buckets for it, an 8" and a 12". But it aint a backhoe, thick roots stop it pretty quick. Been thinking of making some kind of powered toothed blade like a small stump grinder disk to mount on the bucket bracket for that situation.




Guess while I'm going through some pics, here's some of what I do. Part of getting a forge together is that on the larger log jobs I put the posts and beams together with plate steel splined into the joints, and I'd like to play some steelwork out into view.
Couple of a carport I did, and a log house I worked on.







Folks have way too much fun with toys like those!

When I was at a scrapyard Saturday picking up a steel beam for my shop the owner was cleaning out the bed of a truck substantially bigger than mine, then he lifted it up over my truck and the rest of the ground clutter and carried it out to the guy buying it---about 10' in the air...nice manipulator...


Over at machine builders net some guys are into building mini articulated machines, or adding a front end loaders to garden tractors. I think a number of guys here could really benefit with scrapping together a little yard buggy. Those garden tractors (not the murry riding mowers) are built well, and many like the JD 140 or 300 series have hydrostatic drives, and hydraulic ports to tap into. They pop up on CL pretty often.

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