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I Forge Iron

New smith in missisippi


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Hello from a new Mississippi smith, I'm actually a physics major at mississippi college in Clinton, but for the most part I enjoy more hands on stuff. Ive done allot of arts, sciences, architectures, outdoor activities, historical studies, construction work and much more stuff than I can list, and I bring all my knowledge to bear on whatever I may attempt. I have held off on joining forums and injecting myself into conversations for awhile, I have been opting instead to do my homework before beginning on this endeavor. I have been studying metallurgy, forging, sharpening, composite making, and as many aspect of the bladesmithing as I could over the last 6 months. I finalized the designs for my forge this weekend, after months of research, orders are being placed and I will be in working order shortly.

second kso for the purpose of testing handleing technique: pin construction using micarta made with fiberglass resin using high thread-count olive green fabric. the results was this odd black block with a green tinge when sanded. Used super glue to coat and did an improvised buff from there. I'm going to run a few more tests on the handle and then move onto a third kso to refine my technique. Its actually about 9 inches in length, but I can't manage to get a good picture of it.

style to expect: forged knives displaying a more organic nature of blade design belaying their purpose built nature, alongside homemade micarta scales to add inorganic balance and to provide for practical properties in the handle.

More to come shortly,
T. Hunter King

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Welcome aboard Thunter, The MS Forge Council will be having a Christmas Party this Saturday, it usually lasts from about 9 in the morning till after lunch sometime. (great food, people, and always a good Iron in the Hat.) There will be some good bladesmiths there as well and you or anyone else that is interested is welcome to come. Here is a link to the party information. http://www.msforgecouncil.com/schedule.html the same web site has all the contact information for people in the MS Forge Council. I am Lyle Wynn and we meet the second Saturday of each month at the Agriculture and Forestry Museum, but in December we have a party at one of the members shops. Hope you can make it, and if you have any questions about it feel free to give me a call. Here are a few pics of last years party. http://picasaweb.google.com/LDWynn/MFCChristmasParty#

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I'm not sure being a physics major will change anything.

We all work under the same rules.


Yes, it will. Ever worked with a physicist?

For example, when designing the bottom anvil on those popular air hydraulic bottle jacks, a physicist will not over-design the beam and end up shearing off the 1/4-20 bolts holding the outer guide plates on. The physicist will see the assembly as a compound simple machine, and either beef up the bolts at the expense of the beam, or go with a more appropriate design for the guides.

Hunter, welcome, and note that there's a lot more physics in this stuff than it might otherwise seem.
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I work surrounded by folks with doctorates in astrophysics and often teach Sci and Eng students at the local U; got a couple of BS degrees myself---you still get it hot and hit it hard!

(and yes I have seen a lot of stuff fail that was made by folks with advanced degrees but backward skills...)

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hi hunter - any approach is welcome on here as far as i was aware - the more the merrier - its what i love about this site - the wide range of backgrounds - i have a fine art degree so what i bring can be completely different to you. i like that :)

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