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I Forge Iron

How I spent my morning...

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Nice looking forks Bart, well done. I usually make them from 3/8" sq. but shorter with a pig tail finial so you can screw them onto a stick. It makes them lighter and more convenient to pack if you're walking in and part of my sale's spiel is once you've cooked your wienie, steak, marshmallows, etc. you can poke the fork into a piece of wood, the ground, etc. and put a candle in the pigtail end for a romantic candle lit supper.

Food safe finishes I use are pretty much what John suggests but I have both Jewish and Muslim friends so I avoid bacon grease. I've found olive oil Pam spray is convenient, easy and pretty spectacularly entertaining if used too near a fire. It's also a good accelerant for getting a fire started.

Basically I'm saying be real careful spraying any cooking oil near a flame be it forge, campfire, candle or whatever.

Attached is a pic of a pig tail roasting fork Lindsey made a few years ago. She was one of the young people I've had the honor to show the craft and this was one of her projects.

Frosty the Lucky.

post-975-012032700 1284147236_thumb.jpg

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Nice forks!

Does anyone have recommendations for treating metal to be safe for food consumption?

1-Don`t stick metal in or cover metal with any poison stuff.
2-Don`t cook anything that`ll make you sick with your metal.
3-Don`t let anybody who is sick or dead eat off your metal.

That`s the rules I live by. B)

Seriously,Mike Flexner who is a world reknown finishing expert has said that as long as a finish does not contain any heavy metals or other toxic substances then once it cures it is safe for treating both metal and wood used for food preparation.This does NOT cover any allergies someone may have.
There are some metals you wouldn`t want to use for cooking tools such as lead,cadium,etc,regardless of finish.
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