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I Forge Iron

An outdoor cooking crane

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While I was down at Touchstone last month, I ran into Dennis, one of the guys who help keep the place up. This guy is a very funny man, and we traded barbs around the fire and at the auction, and enjoyed each others beer on several occasions. He invited a couple of us to enjoy some sausage cooked over an open fire after class. So when I caught site of his crane, I just knew I had to make one. Now granted, his was a much fancier version than this one, but as this was my first one, and I was just using what I had on hand, I'm pleased. I just need to make some small "S" hooks so that should I need to shorten the chains to raise it up, they will be available. I used a bit of black pipe and a ball bearing for the handle. Some mig welding on the angle iron, the grill is all rivet fastened, for some reason I made about 8 too many cross tines, so now I have a start on a second one. Anyway, next time I'm camping, this is going along!!

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I like it Mike. Heck, I like anyone who needs a crane to cook lunch!

It must be rush hour on the info super highway, my connection is WAY slow right now I'll have to wait to look at large file pics. I'll check em out later and get back with snappy rejoinders.:rolleyes:

Frosty the Lucky.

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Thomas Powers,
I just went and looked at the mastermyr find again, and wow! you're right on, the idea of using hooks on the corners was one I considered as well, mine is missing the central spine, but it does look very much like the on on the diagram, thanks for reminding me!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mike, I really like the crane. I cook with dutch ovens when I camp. Everything from homemade bread to cobblers and stews. I have been looking for just what you have made. Thanks for sharing your work with us. I will add that to my long list of things to make. It will be near the top of the list. Again, thanks.

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