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I Forge Iron

All I want for Christmas is...


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I replied to another thread here, about tool gathering, and it got me to thinking, what do I really want in my shop for Christmas, and I am trying to keep it real, not like asking for a 250lb beaudry or chambersburg or something, just reasonable items, and my wish list is:

A treadle hammer or a bit more time in the shop or A fly press.

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An anvil with edges.

Weld a hardie post to a piece of plate steel and put it on the top of the anvil when needed. You can radius the edges of the plate how ever you like, and when you wear it out, replacing it with a new plate. The cost is one welding rod and some scrap.
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Weld a hardie post to a piece of plate steel and put it on the top of the anvil when needed. You can radius the edges of the plate how ever you like, and when you wear it out, replacing it with a new plate. The cost is one welding rod and some scrap.

OK, since this is a "Tool and Workshop Wish List" I'll go with a real wish list

Peddinghaus #9 anvil 'cause that's about the biggest I can move by myself.

Since I have no welder, a welder, one that can do wire, stick, and tig, with or without gas shield if desired and all necessary attachments, on a nice welding cart, and a visit from the electrician so my wife doesn't worry.

New garage/workshop so all the tools and lawn equipment move out of my parking spot in the existing garage AND I can have a dry, heat-able, workshop suitable to use both solid fuel and gas forges WITHOUT having to move lawn equipment or cars to use said workshop.

Concrete driveway, at least by the house, asphalt from the pad to the road is fine. The county requires asphalt in the right of way anyways!

And I'll take a basket ball hoop set up on that new pad for my daughter while we are at it, even though she won't be big enough to use it for a couple more years.

If this is a less frivolous wish list then it can start with healthy family and friends for the new year, and many more to come.

Oh yea, can't forget world peace!

I have stock to make a bottom set, bottom fuller, and hot cut hardy. I have a bolster plate to upset them on (finished filing hole clean today). I have not yet finished the pair of tongs to handle stock of this size (1 1/2 inch round 4140) so maybe I just want time to work and a striker.

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My list is long and unfortunately unlikely to be shortened this season. First I'd like to be well enough they'd at least trust me with my shop keys. Yeah, they not only took my truck and car keys but my shop keyd too Take too hard a crack on the head and nobody trusts you with anything dangerous anymore. I'd like insulation, wiring, lights and a power drop from the pole so I can warm and light the place while running a power tool.

I'd like to be able to drive again too.

Okay, don't get all maudlin on me, all these things are temporary, and as soon as the Therapists and hospital testers think I'm okay I'll get my juice back so I can go to work, plow my own driveway and do stuff in my shop. I'm alive and recovering well so I'm not complaining but this thread is about Christmas wishes and that's my list.

So, seeing as my list isn't likely to get shortened by this Christmas here's the wish I'm really hoping for. I wish Deb could relax and enjoy more. She's been so worried for the past three months it's like it's almost rewired her and relaxation is coming hard for her. My Christmas wish is for Deb.


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Frosty, Looks like you need to put that one on the Prayer List like I need to put mine. I hope she eases up some on the worry. Merry Christmas and may you have a white one.

The prayer list might be the place for sure.

You're wishing US a white Christmas, US? Perhaps you're not aware that I live less than 200 miles south of the Arctic circle? Meadow Lakes AK is in the grips of a typical winter, I haven't seen an outside temp in the double digits since before I was KO'd by the tree. Happily (knocking on wood furiously!) we haven't seen but a couple tolken below zero days like -2 or -3.

If you'd like a little white Christmasness feel free to pay us a visit, we have exterior whiteness to spare. If I'm successful uploading a couple pics, one is a school of Great White . . . Birches and the other simply illustrates that groceries often visit. (no, we don't actually hunt moose in our yard we live in a drawing permit only area) The moose pic is off our front porch, it'd be about a 30' shot if one of us succomed to temptation. Mmmmmm. Moose.




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If I could ask for anything.. anything for myself...

I would like to be able to spend as much time on a project as it took without having to worry about if its paying the bills or making me money..

I would like to be able to learn from those who I admire and share what I learn

I would like to spend a year with my wife a 100 miles from the nearest phone in a small cabin with no power or indoor plumbing....

Thats what I would like....

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