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I Forge Iron

Humbled again in the forge

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OK, So I'm feeling a bit confident because I have now made 20 or so Christopher crosses, and decide it's time to shrink them a bit, and make some small neck hangers, or keychains. So I cut enough to make 2, as my buddy John Rausch always says, " if your makin 1, make 2." So of course the first one does not come out perfect, so I hang it on a nail and get going on number 2, so as I'm making a small adjustment with a hot cut chisel, bingo, it goes off in a direction as of yet, undiscovered. I looked and looked, and no go, it's gone. I know sometime I'll move something, and there it will be, but for now I had to go back and fool with number 1 to make it look semi decent. It's things like this that really push the learning curve though, a simple hold down, a little bit of extra time, and I would not feel quite so foolish. But that's the way this game goes, sometimes it's a 2X4 upside the head to get your attention.

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Nice. Something I have found to help get the cross to line up straighter is a square punch I made. I insert the punch into the hole and I am able to move the extentions as needed so the line up with each other. You would have to have a very smal square punch!;)

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Very artistic in an odd sort of way. At first I thought you had made a Thor's hammer but then I read what you had made. Oh well back to the anvil.:cool: Just kidding, don't throw the hammer at me!:D I make some out of 3/16" sq. copper wire and it sure was a chore to get them just right. I share your pain.:p

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I like it Mike.

Less than perfect IS perfect for a cross.

I've lost so many small struck, dropped, vibrated off the bench, unsprung, etc. objects you'd think I should be walking in drifts of them. But . . . NOoooo.


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Shop gremlin's!!

They just love to collect all the little things that fly, fall, shoot or just somehow propel just out of sight or reach even just for a split second or sometimes if it is something really enticeing they will just wait for you to set it down and turn your back for just a second and then they snatch it up, things like pencils, soap stone's, ruler's, tape measure's, screw's, nut's, washers and one of their favorites...cotter pins.


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I make small crosses out of 1/4" square, and cut them on a bandsaw, I clamp the peice in some vice grips to save fingers and the peice. Took a few to make it look good. The ones I messed up on just made smaller crosses that way people have a choice of what necklace they want. Another thing I've found out the smaller the work the harder to do. Good luck in the future.

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Bad Creek, I put a wooden ruler under the piece on the bandsaw, and let it support the piece as it gets cut, I also used 1/4" and it is definately harder, but that's kinda why I did it, and someday my lost little cross will reappear, until then..... I'll just make more!

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