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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Mills

  1. Mills

    Word Game

    I will take heed of the FEED, when will it be?
  2. Metal tools/Household Implements - Any style one size fits all. A hammer that has a drilled eye and a broom handle, or a trivet that was forge then MIGd together, Cold bent scrolls and reworked screwdrivers...Anybody can get in this category Then to the upper end Traditional hand made - no Arc welding allowed Gas welding? Also no fabricating, if a piece of angle iron is used then it need to have been forged to fit into the piece. Tubing same way. Everything must be forged. Maybe that will help get the juices flowing.
  3. Mills

    Word Game

    Dodge I use ctrl + b to do bold I am not SURE of another way Sorry JWB I must have took longer to post that than I thought.
  4. Mills

    Word Game

    and cheftjcook you have the SAME
  5. Mills

    Word Game

    Appman is that your FATE your desire for fire will you ever SATE
  6. Most straightforward would be heat to non magnetic quench in oil, use a new file and see if it bites and how much compared to what it does right now. Is it hard? Then heat to purple and quench again. If not hard then heat to nonmag and quench in water. test with file If hard temper, if not it ain't gonna get that way most likely. On a large piece such as this I will always walk through the motions cold to be sure that my tongs will grip the piece securely and there is nothng in the way. I would think you will need 5 gallons of oil to quench this well.
  7. Mills

    Word Game

    but if it wasn't so dire would you be referred to as Sire?
  8. Mills

    Word Game

    Welp get BACK in there and make another, Keykeeper Tyler nice follow up to. Gerald this is like popsicles on a hot day.
  9. Mills

    Word Game

    this little word game is going as smooth as SILK
  10. Mills

    Word Game

    Did you get a BILL for them dills?
  11. Nice work Freb. I have a coal forge made of 1/4" with no covering at all. There is some rust and scaling but it is still solid after several years. I don't believe you will have any worries for several years yourself. i have learned on a previous forge though that cooling off the forge with water and leaving it in the forge overnight speeds up the degradation.
  12. Mills

    Word Game

    a bit more ZEAL perhaps
  13. Is your weld area bigger than your hammer area? Where the gap is, was it allowed to cool by placing on the anvil while you got the other part to stick? Since this is practice how about cutting it off and try again. If you don't have enough reins left, well I guess arc weld and make 5 more as penance. ;)
  14. Mills

    Word Game

    Sing, what my HB does
  15. Mills

    Word Game

    Sine Just got a message says post must be at least 10 characters ????
  16. I am with you on the pipe BUT if that is the only thing changed can you pull it and see if it is your problem? Of course how about a bird nest or other obstruction coincidentally? Maybe putting on the pipe dislodged accumulated crud?
  17. BP0230 is what you are referring to. Very nice looking style.
  18. I wish I had a nice 2x 72 or so belt sander but what I do have is a 3 x 18 belt sander that I chuck in the leg vise and and lock it on, my bench grinder is gathering dust behind my welder. It is time for me to build a sander when I can get thte time.
  19. What I am doing so far is to walk through the steps involved and estimate what I think is reasonable, factor in costs that are large such as the bulk of the materials and consumables. I allow a $45 hour shop rate. then I double that. so I also call around and am constantly shopping prices wherever I see something similar. How much you get for an Item depends more on how you present it rather how well you make it. I make stuff that is vastly better than the crap I see sold all over but nobody knows about me. Also in many cases it doesn't matter whether the quality is there, if it is too high it is too high, cheapen the design and quality like Walmart, shudder, or find clients with deeper pockets. Ain't nothing to this stuff. ;)
  20. If you are in a hurry get an Ice chest that it will fit into and put dry ice around it. then add alocohol to get contact on the inner parts. let it set for several hours and get really cold, remove and gently start moving everything that ought to and use a penetrating oil once it does. I freed up a blower this way that 3 weeks of kerosene soaking a can of PB'laster heat and gentle and not so gentle applications of force could not move. 12 hours in dry ice and alcohol and it was turning almost as soon as I tried it. I allow you'll realize this is very cold.
  21. Belt sanders are superior to bench grinders IMO. After the initial set up costs of building or buying the belts are cheap and easy to change to suit a variety of applications. If you get a grinder then look at the mounting for the stones. I have a ryobi 8" 1 HP from Home Depot and it is difficult to get the stones to run true because of a very small shoulder and washer system. After getting one to run true throw away the star wheel and get a diamond point dressing tool which I have not seen at any of the big box stores around here. Weld or industrial supply houses are it.
  22. Hey, Sharon. Good to see you around. You still doing Brooms? and what of that special set up where you didn't need the handle?
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