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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. Oh yeah, we made a trip up to Kansas last fall and I wish we could have stopped at the cowboy museum but no time, dang it. I'm just a little funny about the D/FW area and that's where NTBA is located from. I've got a lot of bad memories from things that happened in that area and I'm not crazy about going that way.
  2. Yeah, you're probably right Daswulf. I don't think anything bad about NTBA. I'm just one of those people that is kind of bad with making actual phone calls myself!
  3. The NTBA, I have looked at but it doesn't seem up to date. I may just contact them and see where it goes I'm a little more drawn to your group. Salt fork Craftsmen. Wish I were a tad closer
  4. Right on, Chris. I feel like the Lone Stranger sometimes. If it were not for you guys to talk shop with, It'd be kind of lonesome honestly
  5. Now there's an idea I wouldn't have thought about. I don't know anyone personally besides me that even Smith's. There was a guy on Forged In Fire a few weeks ago that was from Gainesville. High school kid. That's only about 15 miles from us. That's about it. Thanks Jennifer
  6. I know he cleaned it up real nice. I saw that one listed before he bought it and it wasn't near that pretty I was posting at the same time you were. I wouldn't mind having your anvil. One of the most miserable days ever was when we were at the State fair of Texas several years back. It was cold and rainy and the Longhorns got beat by the Sooners by 54-3 I think it was. The gloating by the OK fans was maddening! Haha but I'm not a huge football fan and I like my Oklahoma friends here on IFI.
  7. The wind went to the north today. It's still hot, but it's supposed to bring some rain and temperatures back down to the lower 90s. Which will feel like a cold snap after the last few days. I like forging in the rain. Well, not literally in the rain. But Thomas' idea of drain holes is a good tip to remember. I don't run a coal forge, but I will store it in the helpful tip file
  8. GrumpyBiker, thanks for the information. Sounds to me if you can tweak it to your satisfaction with minimal expenditures, you got a good deal. I know I've seen things marked as something that they aren't or you can tell they don't know what it is. I'll start looking at things more closely now. Maybe there are other hidden gems like your "Oven with a stand"
  9. Thanks for the invite Chris. If I can, I'd love to join in the fun. The busiest season for us around the farm is starting to wind down. Maybe I can get some more free time soon Pnut, we built a jabod in the beginning. wasn't that great. But now that I have a better understanding of what I'm doing, I think this one will be much better. I love a gas forge, but I want to be able to run a coal or charcoal forge also. Much quieter and more relaxing to me
  10. I hear you DH. I haven't done much of anything in over a week. I put some things in a vinegar bath and finished a few pieces. Although that's good. I'm kind of bad about not finishing some things very quickly after they are forged sometimes. Looks like it might be a cloudy day today, so maybe I'll get out there this evening.
  11. Jennifer, I've been thinking on that a lot also. I want to build another Jabod as well. That's not nearly as daunting to me as a gas forge. I've spent a lot of time looking at the forge threads here the last few days. To be honest, the gas forge build scares me a little bit to try to do myself. I'd love to visit a local group. The two closest ABANA affiliates are about 2 and 3 hours from me. That's not really that far, but I barely have time to get my daily life accomplished and even time in my own shop can be hit or miss sometimes. I'm a jack of many trades and master of none as the saying goes. But I'll keep studying on the subject and may get to a point feeling comfortable building my own
  12. How's it work GrumpyBiker? I'm thinking of getting another forge. I've been looking at new, but today I thought about looking around for a used one. Couldn't hurt
  13. My old anvil didn't have any clean edges except one spot about an inch wide! Needless to say that little place was very shiny. I got so used to it, that I keep having to remind myself I'm not limited like that anymore. You'll learn where the best spots for what operation are as you go. Happy hammering
  14. Billy Bones, that's funny. I just happened to be reading this and caught sight of my name. You are welcome for the inspiration. I'll tell Tommie what you said. He's very proud of his work Looks good. Kudos to you for getting the grand babies dirty. They are precious and look like they had fun
  15. Looks good to me. I've hammered on a lot worse, and the work came out pretty decent despite the flaws. I wouldn't touch it personally. Use it and I bet you'll be just fine.
  16. Welcome Le_Bear. I enjoyed reading your introduction post. Sounds like you've come full circle. Y'all ain't kidding it's hot. I'm further south than you guys obviously. I think the actual temp was 98 or 99 , but the heat index was around 106. I haven't been to the smithy in over a week, which is gnawing at me. But it's a little too hot for me, and I'm even used to being out in it. Anyway, it's good to have you here
  17. Have you ever seen a Watussi? Now there's a set of horns for you. There's a couple down the road from us. I drove by one day, and one was leaning his right horn across the top of the fence. They look heavy, but I think they are hollow-ish. And I wouldn't know about the Nutria. Tommie bought one from a guy who trapped them in Arkansas. I was reluctant to try that one, so it got lost in the deep freeze. Freezer burn. But I did get the skull
  18. I looked up polycerate. And I looked through images also. There's such a vast array of unusually horned critters. I bet the skulls of these guys are sought after. I'd add one to my collection. I have a ram skull with the typically curled horns. Along with a goat ( not one of mine) a rabbit, a Guinea fowl, horse, cow, and a nutria. That guy has got a big set of teeth on him
  19. I like the tattooed dragon idea too. Im sure your dragon will be a great conversation piece in your brother's shop. It would certainly draw my attention
  20. Haha, ain't that the truth. Here's another goat he has that has interesting horns. He runs a very mixed herd, so I'm not sure what she is. Her horns remind me of Gazelle horns. Sorry if the pictures are coming out really big. My internet signal is bad tonight and it's making things a little wonky
  21. Yeah, you did a good job on that CC. Makes me think of the dragons on Game of Thrones.
  22. So they have good temperaments as well? What an interesting creature. We've only had one sheep. Someone brought us what they thought was a goat. Turned out to be an American Barbados. She became lamb chops though...
  23. Good information Charles. I don't know a thing about them. I think he bought them at the sale barn just because. Here's another view of him
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