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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. I haven't looked up the weed zapper yet, but it sounds like it could be adapted to pest control. It could have settings for ants, cockroaches, mice, and depending on where you live, rats. There's copperheads and cottonmouths around here. I saw a smashed one in the road getting the mail yesterday. Snake be gone.
  2. Jason, your mention of feed store and weighing peas got me to thinking, I wish I had one of these years ago to weigh the potatos we grew and took to the farmers market to sell over 25+ years of growing. That's a lot of spuds. I never kept records and could have guesstimated but never did. They were all hand planted and dug. 8 100' rows. No wonder I'm all stoved in. IronDragon, a steel tower would be easy and I never thought of it. I could make it out of wood, but it's so unforgiving.... Btw, I was gloating about how cheap I got the scale. 15 minutes later, while making room for it in the shed, I tipped the countershaft assembly to my Grandfathers lathe off the shelf and broke the cast engagement lever off. It wasn't so cheap after all. For a little while, anyway.....
  3. Thanks for the link. I like his attitude and admire his work. I wish I could have met him. I said a prayer.
  4. https://www.heritagedaily.com/2023/06/nazca-geoglyphs-discovered-used-ai-deep-learning/147532
  5. Billy, if I didn't have a nice heavey duty vise I'd consider it. My collection oddity tools are mostly old ones. I like finding homemade ones too at sales and junk shops, and trying to figure out what they were made for.
  6. Thanks for the replies. Your right George, no springs, but a lot of adjustment screws and geegaws to figure out. I jumped on it and it was off by 20lbs, but then the tower is falling apart. Randy, If I can get that kind of return on my $20, it will be worth the time, it seem's complete. Or keep for weighing things like, oh, say, anvils. Jerry, I just picked it up this morning. The lady even helped me load it, not as heavey as I thought. Plan B is always sculpture parts....
  7. True. I left her a card and just got an email, she want's to move it and $20 it's mine. I hope I can slide it into the explorer. I don't care if it's junk for that price.
  8. I guess that one will be hard to recover from. Thank's Steve. My brain siezes up from time to time.
  9. I'd like to find one of those. I collect oddball tools. Mostly hand tools, but whatever.
  10. I don't know about beam scales but I found one I am thinking about buying, but the bottom of it is buried under a bunch of scrap and junk and couldn't look at it. I could see metal casters but not much else. My question is, it has two beams, both marked 150 on the end. Does this mean it weighs up to 150 lbs.? The wood column is falling apart. Can these be rebuilt easily or are they a can of worms? Callibrated springs and all that, un calibrated from years of junk sitting on it? It's $50.
  11. They probaly know more about you than just what you want to buy.... Today is national VCR day. It reminds me of the old black and white antennea set we had growing up. We'd be watching a program and it would slowly start to scroll and my father would jump up and slap both sides of the tv and it would resume a normal picture. He used to swear at it from time to time. I wonder what he would think about todays 8' screens and surround sound. Everybody wandering around with virtual reality helmets on, tripping on things and bumping into walls.
  12. Some intrepid entrepreneur's built a brand spanking new one in an old cornfield near where I lived by Omaha just before I moved in 2021. It's called Quasar and it says it has a 300 car capacity. I noted the construction of it going back and forth to work. It looked huge. I wish them all the luck in the world.
  13. Sorry, I neglected commenting. I won't try to explain. We observe and remember every year, and throughout the year. My flag was up, and for D-Day also. Don't forget our lost K9 friends as well.
  14. I stumbled onto a sculpture on google images once that used false teeth. It was rather bizzare and funny at the same time. Mixed media.... I saved it, I'll see if I can fing it.
  15. I am always going out on a limb, because I don't have the time to do the proper research but doesn't Rodney Brooks and, MIT in particular, have a vested interest in promoting the safety in all of this? The timeline is what actually facinates me. I'm not concerned about my own life time but is it coming? I suppose an errant astroid could cleave off half the earth between then and now and we'd never know. Please don't get me wrong, I am not trying to stir up fear and arguments, it's a curiousity of mine. My first statement about it coming fast may have been a bit hasty.... Or not.
  16. Ok. I buzzed through both links real fast earlier as I was running behind, I will go back and re-read it. The thing is, no human being knows it all. I read something interesting by Stephen Hawking on this but have to go reread it as well.
  17. I often wonder if the singularity will come about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity Sorry for starting a doomsday thread.
  18. I hope a metal artist found them and used them in a sculpture... I have a teeny tiny oil can like that in my oddities shelf. Must have been for sewing machines or similar.
  19. Enjoyed programming and electronics as a hobby a long time ago but gave it up. I searched and bookmarked Isaac Arthur and John Michael Godier. That should give me six months or more reasearch and going down the ol' rabbit hole. I'm suprised I never came across them before. Thanks. Ben G. Thomas I enjoy. He had a video examining a "filthy hair" dinosaur IIRC. What's not to like?
  20. How can AI be a well covered topic when advances move so fast. What is the word? Exponentialy? I will look into them though.. Ben G. Thomas...
  21. Good or bad? It's coming fast. Do you think it can't mimic blacksmith or metal arts? Will we be able to tell the difference? It's a hideous idea, but there's no hiding from it. Robot blacksmiths, artisans, fabricators, artists, what have you. Do you think someday it wont even require physical robots? What do you think the end game will be? I would never quit doing what I do in the face of it, but I wonder about human creativity. It may not be on everybodies radar but maybe it should be.
  22. My mom loses her purse from time to time so they can be a good thing. She's getting on in years. I lost my false teeth once and that cost me.... I bet a chip for them isn't far down the road..... Better living through AI.....
  23. Whatever you do, don't throw the 11B block away. You may want to use it in place of that crazy bearing roller for some purpose in the future. I should have mentioned that.
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