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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. Have you ever found yourself wearing two pairs of glasses, safety or othewise because you couldn't remember where you laid the last pair after pushing them back on your head and searching for a half hour and just grabbing some new ones? Doubt I'll be going, again.... maybe some day!
  2. Thank you, Rojo. Making up names and tall tales is half the fun.
  3. By the by, what happened to my Joe Walsh link? Kind of throws my whole post out of kilter.
  4. That turned out well. I have noticed there is a thin bone layed back in the nose of skulls that kind of make them look more like nostrils. Maybe to finicky for forging though. Just a thought. Makes them look meaner....
  5. Good stuff. There's some I have heard but many new one's. Could the game possibly be Assassins Greed, Black Flag? Warms an ole sailors heart. Almost makes me want to go about talking like a pirate again. The comment's were also fun to read....
  6. Nothing directly about Kogut was on my mind or in my comment.
  7. Well, wicon, I hope that's not your upstairs neighbor singing that. I would call that motivational music for moving out. Though, some days are like this (an apt title for an album in such a case as well).
  8. I think the right hand option would be less likely to slide down.
  9. Your it.... I imagine rpg's have come along ways since D+D came out, eh? Pant miniatures you say? I see no practical reason why a castle shouldn't have a dragon or two. They might be expensive to feed, or not, depending..... And as for secret passages, a quality castle would be riddled with them...... Dang edit function. I get the pant miniatures. Should be a joke in that somewhere. More coffee is indicated....
  10. "It was a dark and stormy night...." Thanks Aric. I will have to think up a name for his corroberator, maybe Sir Nigel Cavendish or something like. I'm sure he'd carry a sword cane too. Maybe a silver flask of brandy...... So do I. I sometimes get carried away but it's all great fun. An old castle is fertile ground for the imagination. All kinds of things going on there. Alligator infested moats, dungeons, empty suits of armor clanking around in the dark of night, bed o nails, etc.....
  11. Thank you both. I have a habit of only taking one picture of things too. Before my cell phone camera, a lot of projects went away without so much as a photo... They reside only in my memory blank. Some things to improve upon.
  12. He never did recover from the dreadful affair at Fawrnsworth Castle.
  13. Looks a bit like instrument for fine tuning a leberwurst stuffing machine. I imagine they were mass produced in the 100's of thousands.
  14. This sounds like a fun challenge, BillyBones. I can think of a LOT of things I haven't done or tried yet. I think a big part of the fun might be the picking of a new skill/technique to try. Now to figure out which new skill and a theme or way to put into something tangible. I like the no time limit aspect, tho I will try not to drag my heels too much.... I like that axe opener very much.. Almost said battle axe....
  15. Just kidding. And if I were to, I'd do it respectfully.
  16. I will send a prayer to those affected. We had a little wind and rain. Blessed.
  17. Hope this doesn't make anybodies ears melt off... I think I will add a "theme" song on here for certain members of IFI. That ought to get me in trouble....
  18. I googled alembic dome and you might have some left overs from a hemispherical dome formula. It looks more like a catenary dome to me. It might get you close. I've been wrong before though. Many times.....
  19. Shoot Billy, sailors know how to party a little bit too. I have a fun story about lack of air conditioning on the ship, shore leave in St. Thomas and one of those El Grande size Snickers candy bars but I better not relate it here. Gotta blow off steam sometimes.
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