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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by TWISTEDWILLOW

  1. Alright y’all don’t be lookin at my research reference section!
  2. Ain’t that what they call YouTube? Bahahaha!
  3. Lol ok i guess I did know the word, I just didn’t know how it was spelt
  4. I dunno what either of those words mean lol but I literally get tons upon tons of scrap machines an parts every year in the shop, I’ll pull aside some stuff and reuse it in the smithy but the bulk of it I just pitch, ill give away bucket loads of saw chain, mower blades, spindle shafts, saw bars ect.. to anyone who wants some! I have a never ending supply of that stuff, infact I think I got a few hundred pounds of spindle shafts an blades right now that need a new home!!! if all y’all wanna make a trip to peavine! Lol i might pull aside some of the big heavy commercial blades and see if I can use em for tomahawk material or somethin else, like I said I’ve never forged em, I figured after they pounded rocks for 3 or 4 years they probably wouldn’t be good to work with, kinda like how folks say not to use leaf springs that have cracked and broke, only idea I ever had to use mower blades for was to weld up caltrops outta them! To defend the yard against invaders, but my wife said no….
  5. Here a couple things I made for trade items this year,
  6. Yes I saw some stuff about new parts for antique vehicles, I saw a lot of companies that offered the 3d printed options for development, I also a few companies that said they had some kinda fancy laser scanner thingamabob that could just scan a part and automatically put it in the computer so their machines new what to make, it’s supposed to be much cheaper then traditional reverse engineering, I just thought it would be cool to be able to bring some of our old tools back to tip top shape instead of them slowly all wearing out and becoming parts donnors, like for instance, if you needed a gear box housing or cover or gear or whatever for an ol blower an I had a good part here, i could send my good part in an have a copy made an then send ya the new copy and bring your blower back to life, no idea on the costs yet, I haven’t contacted any companies to inquire yet, but since I’ve got a bunch of different models of good blower’s and then I got a grave yard of broke down blowers I thought about checking in with a couple companies to see what they could do price wise,
  7. Howdy from eastern Oklahoma! An welcome to the forum!
  8. Off an on for a few months I been Cruisen the interweb looking at various companies that offer reverse engineering services to reproduce parts gears, shafts, bearings ect.. that are no longer available, some even say they can make a new gear even if the original is worn or damaged, I’ve also looked at various foundries that offer one off castings an low run castings, an copy castings, I got curious cause there’s always someone lookin for a replacement part for a old blower, drill press, vise, forge, ect… I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried using one of these small companies to copy a part to rebuild something? Or even completely copied something an had parts and castings made to completely build a new one?
  9. That’s a cool video Jennifer! I may save my rasps to the bits like that, I haven’t tried forging with lawnmower blades my self, I throw hundreds of them in the scrap trailer every year though, they are usually beat to a pulp an even cracked sometimes by the time customers finally wanna spring for a new set,
  10. Very nice! Looks like it should be pretty stable!
  11. Bout once a week they Clean out the milk barn and boy howdy when you catch it on a windy day you can sure tell, it’s about like on the chicken farm it’s stinks to high… somthin, when they get to cleaning out those industrial farms, I spent 15 years on one and I can tolerate it but stank is still stank!
  12. You’re just an over achiever! tryin to make us rusty vise people look bad! Shame on you Jerry!
  13. David, imma thinkin bout messing with tomahawks this winter, what kinda material are ya usin for yours? I was think bout usin big ol rasps folded in half an welded but I haven’t spent time yet an looked into axe makin to see what’s easiest to work with yet,
  14. Lol okay Make a lethal lookin mess a BBQ with it a take a picture!!!
  15. Howdy from eastern Oklahoma and welcome to the forum LEW! there’s a button at the bottom of your post that allows you to add photos, where bouts you from? What kinda smithin you do?
  16. Jerry, there’s something wrong with your post vise!!!
  17. Carrots an parsnips? Good grief what y’all eatin out west Thomas?!? How bout a chunk of beef an a side of pork! You could still arrange it to look spooky!
  18. A little cat fertilizer now a then ain’t gonna hurt ya Thomas! Trust me I got a dairy farm a 1/4 mile up wind from here!
  19. Thomas, you need to find critters that will eat the cotton wood fluff not bring more in!
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