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Posts posted by Tubalcain2

  1. I'm with frosty on soderfors. i would say 150-200 range as ideal for most folks. my Soderfors Sorceress #10 is 160 and i have never felt a need for anything bigger.(or smaller for that matter.) german patterns are cool, but i don't see them as any better than a good ole london pattern.

  2. No length limit if it is open carry, but a 4 inch limit on concealed carry. I have never seen the 4 inch for CC law enforced, though. Maybe they are stricter in the big cities, but in the small rural towns where we hang just about anything goes.

  3. 1 minute ago, Judson Yaggy said:

    Well said and I agree.  Often offense to swear words is in the ear of the recipient.  I find it highly dependent on the generation, geographic region, class, religion, or nationality of the offended individual.  If we throw a second or third language into the mix the textual and social quirks of the first language are fairly meaningless.

    As long as we play by Glen's rules and apologize when we make a mistake, no need for talk of punishment.  


    On the OP, having now seen the photos of the finished product, I don't think he wrecked the anvil.  Shortened the life some?  Yes, when measured in scores or hundreds of years.  But it is HIS anvil, and there are a lot more anvils out there.  Someone who shows a higher level of workmanship in TIG welding and grinding like that will soon figure out what works and what doesn't in regards to anvils and blacksmithing.  If not, one less anvil in the world.  They are making more every day. 

    Well put. At least we see he made an informed decision, even if it was one that most of us would not agree to. As to language, he has apologized and agreed to follow the rules in future, so beyond that, the way he chooses to use his mouth outside of the forum is his own concern and none of ours.

  4. OK, let's get some stuff straight. Number one, you have broken the forum language rules (that you agreed to when you joined) in a major way. Second, it sounds like you have taken a perfectly good anvil and ruined it. Welding and grinding are the two fastest ways to boch a good anvil. Typical newbie mistake, but a BIG mistake nonetheless. can you post a few pics of the anvil? If we can see your situation we may be able to help with damage control, so to speak.

  5. Here is a fairly basic set i made a while back. I have a better design now, but i have not made one yet so i don't have pics and it is a bit hard to explain. One of the more basic improvements i have noodled out is to make the rotisserie of a thicker square stock and fuller a grove around it at the point where it rests on the hook closest to the point of the skewer. that way, you can lift the handle, turn your roast, and when you set it back it locks in the new position. as it is, it will roll til the heavy part is down when you let go of the handle. i hope that makes sense.:wacko:




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