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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Tubalcain2

  1. You're right Tommy. God's the judge not me, and i'm sure glad of it too. I get carried away by my indignation sometimes, and it's something i need to work on curbing. I don't know if forgiveness is possible after death, but if it is i hope he finds it. God bless our troubled country 

  2. we all know where that man's going. don't even get me started on the gun "issue". definitely praying for all those involved. we had a smaller shooting at a local church a week or so ago.  hard to believe people can be so messed up as to do stuff like that. i'm starting to smoke so i better stop typing before i break forum rules. 


  3. Finished my spearhead today. This was my first spearhead, as well as my first double edged blade and my first time doing a blade on a belt grinder. Lots of firsts! I made the blade and haft separately and arc welded them together.  The blade steel was an old coil spring. Now I just have to handle it and try it out. Look out every possum, coon, skunk, groundhog, deer, coyote and sasquatch in the neighborhood!   Sorry about the pic quality. I tried enhancing the bottom one but it didn't help much.



  4. Jo mckenna (Connor on this forum)  is making 2x72 grinders in BC, and I love mine. I have it on a 2 hp motor.  they are WAY cheaper than a bader or kmg, and sufficient for my needs.  not a commercial  grinder, but i'm happy.


  5. OSB,  as a fellow non-expert i would suggest that you come back to earth before you have the curmudgeons bustin grade 8's, which i think is coming purty soon. this is dangerous stuff. it's not like some computer game where if you die you just go back and try again. this is real life with real death,  and death by molten steel (or anything else) is a real rough way to go. 

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