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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Fe-Wood

  1. Sorry nakedanvil, I like walking dog's explanation better. Magic is cool but we no longer live in the dark ages.
  2. I just found this in the Washington Post- "Economists, senior government officials and ordinary consumers are all showing greater confidence in the outlook for the economy." Hopefully the spin is going in the right direction now....
  3. CBrann- Don't get discouraged... I don't know what kind of product you make but I'm thinking there are just a couple reasons why your goods are not selling- Cost to much (always an issue) Aren't reaching the right group of buyers (marketing strategy) Your products are a "want" item rather than a "need" item (also a marketing strategy) Quality isn't high enough, this goes back to cost (perception of the potential buyer) *I mean no disrespect here* What are the products you sell on ebay? I have given all of these reasons considerable attention in the last little while because my products fall firmly in the "want" and not the "need" column. This goes to my desire to make the things I "need" to. So, I have to make concessions elsewhere. Thats the rub for me. Glad to here some good news Peyton!!! Congrats on the new house!!! From what I've seen, teaching smithing right now is good business. The pool of desire seems to keep growing:) Keep up the good work all and as I like to say /
  4. Thanks guys- I went and did a little tour on the internet supper hyway. I like that technology!!! Can anyone give me a not so simple explanation on how it works? From what I gather, there is a current run through the copper pipe at a super high frequency. Is it like a microwave? Now if only I could afford one:(
  5. :DI just learned something neeeewwwww:D Tell me more about the induction forge. I have never seen one nor heard of one. I LIKE IT!!! Sounds efficiant too:)
  6. CBrann- All good stuff there!!! I'm not an alarmist either but I have a chunk of land that is off grid (see other posts) with a large garden. I fully agree, we rely way to much on "other" sources for virtually everything. Last week my wife was invited to a "survivalist party" Nope its not the anti gov types. The focus will be about putting up food so it lasts without refrigeration, what types of foods last best and other "survival" techniques for the new millennium. How does this relate to this economic thread one might ask? Well I don't know.... But somehow, I think it does. The slow foods movement, leading a simplified yet fulfilling life movement, Blacksmithing, energy independence. All these ideas are gaining momentum all over the world. For me it means helping people become more independent and be comfortable while dong it. Independence doesn't mean doing without.
  7. YES!!!! Leland THAT is what is happening! In my mind, it all began with the rapid increase in fuel costs and spread throughout the economy like a gallon of milk dropped on the sidewalk from a hundred feet in the air. Only good thing I see in the this recession is the reduced consumption of natural resources. Now, if we can only get people to loose the fear! Its all in the perception. I stopped listening to talk radio about 2 months ago, I was an addict like no other. I got tired of the pounding on how bad it is out there. Funny, the sun still comes up! Edible gardening supplies are selling like hot-cakes. Sorry to hear about the job Dale- Could be an opportunity for something better though. I'm feeling richer today though, I'm part owner of an auto company:rolleyes: Sorry, just a couple random thoughts
  8. sounds like an intereesting project steve. Post pictures. I think we all would like to see what you do with this... I know I would!
  9. I like the polycarbonate, glass shatters. Poly is light and cheep at twice the cost. How many eyes can you buy for $10.00?
  10. I guess were all struggling and striving to make it through. But hay, as blacksmiths, we make what people need. I've always considered my services a luxery item. Guess I better reconsider...
  11. Boy, I was hoping for at least some glimmer of hope. To all who replied, I hope and pray this is on the rebound, for all of us. I know three needs that will never go away. Food Water and energy. I guess I should focus there Diversity is the key!
  12. Another example of a smart and lucky man! I didn't used to be a fan of safety glasses until one of my shop mates brought a freshly sharpened carbide blade out and put it on the saw. When turning it on for the first time, he was struck just below his eye, about 3/4", by a piece of the blade. It had to be surgically removed. He didn't have glasses on. I was standing next to him... no glasses either. Now I wear them... Have them all over the shop and most importantly on my face and not my forehead. Its amazing how easy and fast the day can go from great fun to great horror!
  13. And so, YOUR THINKING ABOUT THIS!!!! This should be be in the "it followed me home" thread! Buy it! Great ring and great price and ah, no shipping!
  14. I think I hear a clinker in the fire pot. When this happens root around at the bottom of your fire pot with your pocker and you'll find this gummy gooy blob of contaminates from the coal, pull it out and toss it aside and it should be flame on again for another hour or so
  15. I meet a guy from Talent at the CBA conferance. He just picked up a power hammer to... I like the chilie's as thats what I paturned my forge on but both are great. Oh yah, Welcome!!!
  16. My shop dog is an Austrailian Shepard. She likes to be in or near the action at ALL times. If you move to fast, she'll give you a body check:o Nothing phases her. As a pup, she road around on the fender of my Backhoe all day. Like your dog Dave, anything goes until you fire a gun then its "were's Rosy?" Thanks for the tip Glen- I'm off to look...Mostly I just tell her to move and she'll go outside. Unless its raining:rolleyes:
  17. I've been using copper based anti seize in a friends shop, spendy but works great. The carbon deposits around the anvil work well too. As with the gaffite, sprinkle on or in the work area. Also, when you grind the punch or chisel, grind along the length or the direction the chisel travels in the metal. Kinda like you grind tungsten for tig welding
  18. If you do let your wife into the smithy pregnant, your new child will never let the sound of the anvil out of its life:D Kinda like kids and trains. Something I always have fond memories of when I hear a train in the distance. Or for that matter, hearing an anvils ring off in the distance:) Something comforting in that sound
  19. Hmmmm I'm definatly getting it that hot and way more even than a BBQ. Maybe its just plain work! This is the thickest by twice I've ever spun... I'm moving the copper too, the tool groves tell me that. Good tip on the rim job, I'm getting that anyway but maybe a more deliberate rim will work better... Something new to try You Da Man Frosty!
  20. Thanks guys- I'm using streight tools. My lathe (modified 1960's version 12" Rockwell) won't handle sissor tools. I'm getting after it pretty well. like Mike, if I hit it to hard, I warp it....:mad: Off to the anvil I go to streighten it out:). I did a search for Revere Copper and couldn't come up with a formula although it is 99.5% or 99.8% pure as far as I can tell. I played with a small piece today to see if the alloy was harder than I'm used to. So far, it doesn't seem to be. Small pieces, I could get hot enough to SEE red and anneal. I'm thinking I need two burners so I can keep up the heat... It looks like I'm getting it hot enough but maybe it cools to much before I quench it. So I'm not getting a full anneal.:confused: Mike- I'll keep you posted:D
  21. I have only made a flat belt wheel (2 3/4" wide). I just copied the profile of the other one, only smaller. So I can only speek from that and the others I have seen over the years. Your first drawing is the way to go. There is something about the "peak" that causes tention in the middle of the belt to help it track right. Thats why old belts that have been streched with use start to fly off with increasing regularity.
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