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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by wicon

  1. I don't understand your arithmetics. If you loose 0.03% per fold, you would end at around 0.97%C. If you loose 3% per fold you would end up at 0.74%C.
  2. wicon

    Hofi Hammer

    Angele still has them (1,3kg)
  3. I once knew a Blacksmith who made 40 nails in one heat... ... His wife gave birth to twins.
  4. Look for an e14 to e12 Adaptor. Then you can use our standard european parts. You only need to screw in the adaptors and your customer can use her e12 candelabra bulbs. The part you were searching for is a lamp socket or bulb holder. Willy
  5. Too big for me, would have to make bigger tongs. And I would need an apprentice with a sledge.
  6. This is how I would forge an "A". From right to left (No i'm not chinese). Willy
  7. My forge from Angele. Expensive but well made and reliable. I would always prefer Angele forges to Oezwerk. They are bit flimsy. Willy
  8. Definitely North German Style. There seems to be a welding line at the waist. It could be a Peddinghaus of at least 50kg. Look for "Peddinghaus" or "PFP" on the side of the anvil. You can use any (hardened) hammer to test the rebound. If it is a Peddinghaus, it rings like a bell. Willy
  9. Your anvil was most probably made by Karl Schlasse in Milspe, a part of Ennepetal http://www.ernst-refflinghaus.de/mediapool/45/458182/data/Karl_Schlasse.jpg Willy
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