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I Forge Iron

Sam Salvati

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Everything posted by Sam Salvati

  1. There, stop, there, stop, there, stop, there there and there OUCH! I was scratching my hand not telling you to hit it(poor striker instructions).
  2. Jeez Thomas, you are like a smithing library.
  3. Marc, if you could cut a little bit off the top of the die, or from another source, you could forge them into dies, then to make the spinning die holder, find a peice of pipe that fits over your bottom die, and attach it or slip it right over, find a way to lock it in place and then mount your dies to the top of that?
  4. The only way really is to hand file the gears in, or machine them on a lathe or something i would say. I watched this thing on the History channel about a guy that remade some old Davinci and other's inventions, ones with gears. So he cut out the discs with a compass, marked the depth for each tooth, and used a file to hand file in sharp point gear teeth.
  5. YOU guys are gonna give me nightmares!
  6. Sam Salvati


    WOW, Vic, that is one good looking knife!
  7. Nice, thanks for the pictures guys, nice book Kitsjur.
  8. HAHA Chef, that is trying It's genius hammer! Nice hammer Marc, looks great!
  9. Sam Salvati


    SHISA that is nice, I love the whole shape! Looks great, I hope it is not the last we see!
  10. THAT'S CRAZY! I think I would need a change of pants if EITHER of those happened!
  11. HELLO OTIS! Glad to have some new people around lately. Check out the chat (frequently please, it's the same people on all the time!), and enjoy!
  12. I was having problems with the wire feeding on my little Mig, so I just opened it up, and found that the roller spring was not tensioning the wheels enough, so it wasn't moving the wire out the tip enough if at all, so I added this little wedge shape peice i had and bam, it was like the welder was brand new and was working great.
  13. Thomas, WHERE DID YOU GET A 400 POUND ANVIL FOR CLOSE TO NOTHING!? Do you mean an anvil anvil or a big block of steel?
  14. Nice stuff STRINE!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with the hammering on the square thing, after forming the neck/shoulder.
  15. If I am right in what i think you meanby upsetting an edge, it is very easy! especially on 1/8th by 2! I wonder what a blade made with upset edges and a flat thin middle would be like? Very light and very strong, maybe a bit too flexible though. Like a huge fuller.
  16. AHHHHH but what about those small little L bick hardy tools? That will certainly stress the shaft and neck?
  17. Cool, i'll add that one to the list.
  18. Nice indeed! I love the look of the old wheels and stuff like that, espcially the old wheel blower forges that were like one part. They remind me of old sewing machines.
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