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Everything posted by rustyshackleford

  1. The clasp knife of French North American - Manufacturing of the French clasp knife
  2. Just another source for old images, this ones has a few. I notice that no vice appears in any Hammers, music and scales Also: interestingly, a strikingly similar image appears on this site, sans vice: Notice how small the stake is: From the Holkham Bible Picture Book.
  3. Truman: no idea, c.1570, and Welsh(?)
  4. wait....ohhhhh... this is from 16th century, but I know you're looking for earlier. the design for it is basically identical to our modern ones
  5. I'm taking on a similar task, and found this website; http://chestofbooks.com/reference/Henley-s-20th-Century-Formulas-Recipes-Processes-Vol1/How-to-Make-a-Plaster-Cast-of-a-Coin-or-Medal.html
  6. My small Sherline is CCW. The reason is because we live in a right-handed world. All of the controls are meant to be adjusted with the right hand, meaning the headstock is on the left, supporting Dodge's claim.
  7. The porject is finished, bu to answer your questions, it's 3/8 inch. what i ended up doing was bending it in both the hard on my anvil, and in my small post vise. The idea for the pipe is great, and I realized that the hardy accomplished the same thing. I also had the idea for the wood; I was going to pond some RR spikes into a large stump we had. They were used to plot out a specific area, so nothing "high spec", you're correct though. Thanks for the input Phillip :)
  8. I've got a plan for a simple grinder setup, not unlike Maser Hofi's. The only thing that I lack are.... well, everything. I need to find pulleys more so than anything else, but that's a matter of ordering them. I don't have tool rest on my design, and may just use some of the previously mentioned designs. Has anyone built a copy of the Fogg design?
  9. Does anyone use discarded nosecones (from a bomb I suppose, no, it's not 'hot') for a mandrel? I thought I saw the idea somewhere, but now I can't find it
  10. these are great, they remind me of rifleman's tongs. Is that 1/4 stock?
  11. I'm in the same boat as Metalliferous, I'm 19 (but would cherish the opportunity to be included).
  12. And well appreciated, thanks! I have tried both and his email rejected mine after trying for three days. Perhaps I will try again. I have the occasion to pass through Chester on my way to Williamsburg at least once a year, so I could just stop and pick it up en route.
  13. you already appear to have a firm grasp of the basic concepts you need for what you are interested in Arrowhead Tutorial Here is a site for the forging f bodkin and boradhead arrowheads, maybe it will be of use to you
  14. I admire the Hofi design, but would prefer more weight if I am indeed to purchase a brand new one (as the price-to-weight curves contrast for any given brand). I am intrigued by the euroanvil design; why are they considerably less than others? I am rather close to Blacksmith's Depot, and will be traveling by Chester, VA soon, so I will have an opportunity to see bother Peddinghaus, Delta, and Euroanvils in person. I believe I would like to give each a simple forging test to get a feel for the hardness differences (if I can detect any). I would probably secure whatever I get in a "sand stand". I have tried to contact both Blacksmith's Supply, and Depot, but neither have returned my messages. Does anyone reading attend the meetings in Chandler on Wed.?
  15. and practice gun control: hit what you aim for. (when appropriate)
  16. I tired building a small furnace in the side of the hill by our house. I made a pair of bellows from some ziploc bags and composite board, they worked the best out of the whole affair . Anyway, the furnace was a flop, but it would heat up rebar to red hot (barely). I found a hefty, reasonably firm rock, and managed to flatten the rebar out a decent (read: minimal) amount. I was hooked, and have had black boogies ever since! Later I used an air mattress pump and burned out a depression in a stump, which I lined with tin can lids; my friend found my peter wright and sold it to me for $100 (a great deal I suppose). My grandfather traded fixing a clock for a neglected buffalo forge, which I added a brake drum to. Now I was cooking with gas! well, coal. Now I have a kind of 55 forge that I fun off of a blower/vaccuum. That was my beginning, and now I'm looking toward the future. I've been looking to what new anvil I am going to buy, a shop, fabricating a new forge and accumulating the basic tools that will allow me to produce items for myself and anyone else. (man, I sure could use a bag full'o money!)
  17. interesting use of weld deposite/ grinder for sculpting, looks great
  18. well, I was thinking of a baby acorn platen affair, so leaving the holes. for the table frame I've got, it might take about 20, maybe less, so that might mean about 2 small spools for my wirefeed
  19. Not to drudge up a dead topic, but does anyone have a picture of a table made from these plates? I'd like to try it if I can find enough of them, as I just priced a measly sheet of 1/4" steel plate for a welding/fab table, and ....goodness.
  20. I have determined that the best decision is to buy a new anvil, rather than find an old one in questionable condition/size/price. I would prefer a ~250+lb; the question is: What brand? A double horn is the preferred form, but Peddinghaus, TFS, Old World (Habermann style?), Refflinghaus? Kohlswa is nice, but not frugal enough. obviously shipping for it would be a consideration, but its a new anvil, so it's not like it's a steal anyways. The old world anvils seem rather cheap comparatively, who can attest to their quality? Did I miss a manufacturer? Thanks everyone
  21. http://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/f20/show-us-your-location-4252/ I had the same idea!
  22. that was part of my posting it, the other being an offer for someone to try it. I was aware of the difference chemically, and the idea of its forging similar to wrought appealed to me
  23. s hooks; pick a catalogue for reenactors, and I make a similar product. also, brass brooches, camp gear, etc.
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