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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by rthibeau

  1. Ted T is the most likeable guy on IFI....his wit and knowledge of metal working is outstanding. I am so proud to be a friend of Ted T.

  2. I received a comment on this pic posted in my gallery. Dan E wrote "Interesting variable peen width. Post how you use this feature. 04 July 2011" Jim Joyce did a Blueprint on the advantages of a diagonal pein hammer. This version simply gives both left and right hand diagonals on the same hammer.....it's like having a cross and straight pein on the same hammer.....but diagonals may be more comfortable to use considering the positioning of the workpiece relative to the hammer. If anyone uses a diagonal pein hammer, please add your comments on it's utility, etc.
  3. From the album: Hammers

    Made to order custom chipping hammer for welding, head from tool steel
  4. From the album: Hammers

    Made to order custom chipping hammer for welding, 32" shaft with bent handle
  5. From the album: Hammers

    Made to order custom chipping hammer for welding, 32" handle
  6. rthibeau


    From the album: rthibeau

    Front yard Greeting Frog in a mass of lillies
  7. A pic of my favorite hammer......which one it is changes a lot....
  8. rthibeau


    From the album: Hammers

    Double diagonal hammer made from O1 tool steel. Made for True Threlkeld.
  9. rthibeau


    From the album: Hammers

    Double diagonal hammer made from O1 tool steel.
  10. Inside ??? Does that mean you got air conditioning installed and working ?? <_<
  11. Youse guys ain't gonna believe this... but I swear it's true..... I traded that horse shoe blade off for $200 worth of stuff..really good stuff... :)
  12. These were not my first blades, but I'm not likely to get caught up in that genre. I do these types of things to keep them others on their toes. ;)
  13. I didn't have much to do tonight so I came up with these little items. They will cut and slice....and yes one is from rebar and the other from a horseshoe.
  14. The rule is..."pics or it don't exist and therefore no problem".....usually anyhow.... B)
  15. I use ixwebhosting.com for my own website and others that I manage. I use Adobe Dreamweaver for the design and editing software. After several years, I've never had a problem with the web hosting. Right now they are cheaper than the one FF listed. If you're interested in some help setting up or fixing your website, pm me. ixwebhosting
  16. IFI shirts (and hats) at jeremy k's shop. back row: FatPete, rthibeau, steve sells, front row: jeremy k, trying_it (stan)
  17. The driver was going half fast enough to cut the overpass completely, but if he was at the precise speed required, the rig would have stopped at the moment the cut was completed. Hence, no extra time or distance involved for the rig to stop. B)
  18. I hear Mike Tanner has a few mint anvils and some of them on the big by huge side..... B)
  19. Dale...would a custom hammer be good for the auction?? Phil....what's the pay for a good better than apprentice??
  20. rthibeau


    From the album: More Dancing Frog Forge Stuff

    My recently purchased LG 25
  21. rthibeau


    From the album: More Dancing Frog Forge Stuff

    My recently purchased LG 25
  22. I fully understand the cheap at a flea market or garage sale price, but to get a real custom made hammer according to the specs you want, look to pay $125 or better...that's for a ready to hit hammer without modification or finishing....
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