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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by saintjohnbarleycorn

  1. thats an interesting project. Since they were melting copper some thousand (s) of years ago, I would guess you could get away with a primitive system. But I don't know about the problems of oxidation I would think the heat and weight of the liquid would drive the oxygen out, but that is above my level of education. Does the art dept. do anything special with silver? It oxidizes also doesn't it? I know its not much help. let me know how it all turns out I am interested in the electrical part of the experiment. thanks.
  2. well I did win the bid, plan to pick it up this weekend. I will have a lot of questions for sure. I also ordered a book, since I know nothing about it. thanks for all the help.
  3. Is the hammer weight include the handle?
  4. I am looking at this one a southbend. Can someone give me an idea of what it is worth, its at $1225.00 now and ends tomorrow. I don't have a clue. thanks. 9 inch South Bend Lathe w/ Tooling & Books Metal Tool - eBay (item 170189963952 end time Feb-05-08 14:13:46 PST)
  5. thanks, I also think when i asked about it, there was something about that large size tank, about 5' that there was another problem refilling it, maybe trucking it myself. I will have to look into it again.
  6. don't rent, buy unless there is no other option. Make sure the tanks you buy have a date on them that will be good to refill for at least a couple of years (ask the refill guy where the date is and how to read it properly). If you are a part time user the tanks may last you for quite a while. I got stuck with a big oxy tank almost brand new, but the time has run out so no one will fill it now. I will probably make a bell out of it. Genreally hobart is a good name so the torch should be good. I have found you will spend closer to $300 for tanks and torch, for a small hvac setup. Yours is probably bigger and will be more money. Go with the tanks that are about 3' tall, I can never remember if they are "c" tanks or what letter. they will last you quite a while unless you do a lot of burning. hope this helps, I am sure there are lots or more knowledgeable welders out there though.
  7. if not practical. I wouldn't think if you tigged a corner it would heat the majority of the bolt head up and weaken it. or If it doesn't get hot in its current position, epoxy?
  8. I am not sure if I follow you exactly, and the size of the bolt might make a difference, but what about drill and thread a hex head, either in the top or diagonal?
  9. very nice, I think the hammering helps with the sound too.
  10. Well looks like I am going to spend it at the dentist, for a root canal! so much for planning ahead>(
  11. probably the best thing to do is look up your chimney and see if anything is glomed onto the walls of it. If not you don't have to worry. If so clean it out a bit.
  12. I have a enclosure around mine, and no chimney at all. I have an old small kitchen hood, stainless, and pushed an old double shafted squirrel cage into it, by luck it just fit in there. I enlarged the hole at the output of the hood. Then I build the back and side wall and front .The side I work on I have cut open. I used metal and wood. the fan is pretty quiet and pulls out all smoke an dust and sparks. The other day I found it would pull out the smoke without turning the fan on, which surprised me, as there is no chimney, So I guess the box around the forge figures quite a bit into the picture. I am still working on the (design, if you can call slapping things together to see how they work) My next step is on the working side use a section of welding screen ( the see through type) to protect my eyes. It will come down to about chest level I guess. I figure that I can look through that most of the time to see how things are coming along, and if needed just duck down to get the actual colors in real time, so to speak. I used to have a chimney and i am liking this setup a whole lot more. there is a lot of air moving through the shop, and this will be good as the temps rise, now it is not so good. If I wanted I guess I would pipe in some fresh air vent right in front of the forge so the air is just moving there not through the sliding shop door. Now I am just dressing up more. If anyone is interested I can post some photos. Some of this can be seen on the post I did on fixing up my forge. Thats a commercial kitchen hood about 5 foot by 3 foot, and about 10 inches deep or so.
  13. Yes i scrounged a couple of metal rings from I don't know what and they ring like sweet bells. that article on length and vibrations would be a good one, I will try to do some searching on that criteria, and check some other forums. thanks.
  14. I am interested in the bell thing. Would your friend have an interest in sharing some information>? thanks.
  15. thanks. I decided to heat the whole thing and quench in water, built a fire outside and did it. It did improve the sound quite a bit. Thats not say it would for every one but on this one it did. It resonates a lot more and has a higher and louder sound.
  16. Thanks I will check that out when I get back from the trip. if you ever down to the shore let me know, stop in and see the shop.
  17. If you have a welder and want some practice running beads, you could always hardface it.
  18. I am going to be in the hartford,ct. and greenfield, Ma. area this week and would like to know if there is a place to get some coal, and if there are any BS shops to visit also. thanks. you can pm if you would rather.
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