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I Forge Iron

Steve Sells

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Everything posted by Steve Sells

  1. When steel over heats it allows grain growth. This growth into larger grain size is exponential, so a little over heating goes a long way. The larger grain in those areas cause your steel to become weaker. The best solution is to learn how to heat evenly. Until then: if you over heat, you should normalize the entire unit again, once or twice to cycle it, reducing grain size, and re start until you get it right.
  2. Never, ever, scratch your itchy nose with the tongs, with out setting down the hot steel you were holding first.
  3. strange, with all the beginner questions you ask, I never knew you ever made a sword yet.
  4. If it was ever any kind of spring, its not mild nor 1018, and neither are called tool steel where is this post coming from? Either way the colors are about the same, there are charts, but my idea of orange red and yellow may not be the same as what you are thinking about them.
  5. Not stating the brand makes it harder to answer.
  6. Sweet. I wish I could afford to have that one :)
  7. Ready to send off, Kydex is finished and back to me for final polish and I ship it to the client Monday.
  8. the first one I owned was about 60# worked well for most things.
  9. Before you ask a lot of questions, look around the site and read things. How to temper is based on why you need to temper. If you read a bit here, you would have noticed we have Heat Treating sections in the forum, as well as a separate section for it in blade work. Welcome to the Site.
  10. My Indiana State sales tax for the past year includes tax on my out of state sales. I have to pay it. :(
  11. you disgust me I cant even hold a knife that small. How could you have made it ? lol great job Bob.
  12. Annealing isn't the issue as you said there is very little carbon in the mix, if there was no carbon is would just be Iron. To be steel it needs to have iron and carbon. You need to address stress relief, a quick heat up should be fine for that. Even a water quench to get back to working on it again faster is fine as there isn't enough carbon to get it hardened. Read about what hardening does to steel, and you will understand. There is a sticky in the knife HT section of some easier to understand details about it.
  13. I Doubt it, as I use various acids to age (oxidize) copper.
  14. I have made a few, and have a small pile of used chains for the next batch I do. Like any chain, remember to tap lightly til they close up, or you get a mess.
  15. I see much Frank Lloyd Wright nice start.....
  16. Steve Sells


    you have WAY too much time on your hands.. lol nice work
  17. I place my wood cut to size in a PVC tube, poor in the resins, and seal. Then draw a vacuum with my pump for an hour or so, then pressure to +30 psi and leave it overnight. After it sets up, its solid all the way through.
  18. I love my #45 .its about 100# and has a hard face that is great. Sorry for those that got stuck with a softer one.
  19. If this thread does not belong under "Foundry and Casting" where do your feel it should go, back in general smithing where it was started? :D
  20. We can't make it by hand, or are you asking if it is too hard to make profit with all the labor? I do enjoy making my damascus. I admit that I got around to making a rolling mill for drawing out, but a 6# or 7.5# cross and an anvil horn did me well for a while, and still does for many things. I averaged 35 hours for 350 layers for 2 or 3 blades, now with my rolling mill I can do the same work in about 15 hours of work, I still have no power hammer and I mainly use a 4.5# cross. Ask Unkle Spike, FatPete, Trying-it, or any of the other members of IFI that have been in my shop while I was working. But I do admit a power hammer of some type would be much nicer, but noise and vibration not allowable in my neighborhood.
  21. I got orders for making 3 doz flower trellis, from my father-in-law. no coal no coke, I tried to be a bad boy but I got things like Socks and shirts.
  22. this was addressed in detail in the Friday Night knife chats for the repost of it
  23. I gotta say it... Flamberge ? If bevels are boring you, you are in the wrong hobby. Like any work, having the proper tools to do a job will make a difference. If there was an more efficient, and cheaper way, I would not have paid out about $2000 for my Bader.
  24. IF you still want to get into this, You can use my shop Phil.
  25. If normal annealing methods dont work well enough for you, read this
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