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I Forge Iron

fat pete

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Everything posted by fat pete

  1. noel noel noel .....had to do it
  2. I havent made one yet but tues i am going to a shop to cut some pieces up ...I have a pattern for the shape of the bell....by th eweekend I will have plenty of do dads....
  3. i hack sawed mine and it wasnt too terrible....i just had trouble keepin the saw straight.....so now i went up to my neighbor and he works at a fab shop and i talked him into letting me come up after hrs and cut a bunch of blanks...I will also get him to cut me some flat stock so's I can make bells too.....jingle bells...ha I used to play santa clause now I got a real set of Bells...ha
  4. bowl bowl bowl....arama
  5. Foul, down the right field line
  6. Cool guys thanks for replying....Glenn Huh, Thats a funny thing to know...I guess he is an old guy..lol..been around awhile....lol, Heck I thought he was just a computer nerd...lol I will be futzin with the cross this evening....I do have one other question...they recomend using a 3.5 inch piece of metal....what if I used a 7" piece is it a ratio to the size of the metal???
  7. i am in a 12x15 steel stall in a 30 x 45 steel garage....first time out i was a forge in a breezeway....couldnt breath or keep my eyes from watering......
  8. Cool I think I got it....now i gotta go play with it.....
  9. OK now i found it ...sorry to have sent you hunting...for your info here is the website http://redhotironworks.com/forging.htm thanks anyway
  10. I was snoopin around on the net one day and I came across a guy that made crosses. He had some way of doing this out of one piece of metal.....I cant find that site anymore...does anyone know of a method of doing a cross with 1 piece of steel??? It had 2 places it was sawed and then it had hole in the middle after it was finished....I dont believe the metal was doubled up anywhere...just 1 piece of metal....anyone familiar with this? Thx in advance FP
  11. It doesnt need to be good just label it as "rustic" or "old fashioned" I was just at a craft thing and there was a blacksmith there selling "rustic" " Antique period items" I would have taken his stuff and tossed it let alone buy it....
  12. I am not good enuff yet t go to market but some people have suggested to me I should sell stuff....I say well yea I would love to ....I personally do not feel comfortable selling some of the stuff I have....I can always do better, is how I think. However people have offered me actual money for some of the stuff I have made....coat racks is one I have made 3.5 of them the 1 isnt finished but they have found there way out of my shop up on someones wall. One is in my home and I hate it cause I can do way better now...lol....so I agree and been told the same by many smiths Thomas Deans post....you gotta charge them way more than what they could buy junk from home depot or walmart....my buddy is waiting for me to give him an inventory of items he can put in his home center, kind of a hardware store,.....i gotta get beyond some of my critisism of my stuff cause i wont sell anything unless it is approved by qc...me... the other thing is the common person doesnt notice what you consider a fault in your work....weird thing....I was a sales person the majority of my life...figure that
  13. sounds like a LODE to me
  14. fat pete

    twisted candle

    not finished
  15. fat pete

    twisted candle

    not finished
  16. fat pete

    twisted candle

    not quite finished
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