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I Forge Iron

Slightly belated intro...


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G'day everyone,
I have to admit this isn't my first post, but it is still at the pointy end!
My name is Paul, I'm a blacksmith from Melbourne, Aus. Been smithing for quite a few years, but mainly in an industrial capacity, now concentrating on more traditional and artistic works. I'm a member of The Australian Blacksmiths Association (Victoria) Inc.
I've been enjoying the reading the articles and the mateship and camaraderie that abounds on IFI, so I think I'll stick around.

Without wanting to push my own barrow too far, the ABA(Vic) is organising a memorial tree for those affected by the recent Victorian bushfires. Details on IFI in the Prayer List and coming soon to The Tree Project website.


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Oh you betcha, I'd just never heard the term.

Below the text window there's a button that says "Go Advanced" click it and scroll down till you see the button that says "Manage Attachments". Click that one and a window will open with a bunch of "Browse" buttons, click one and select a pic from a file on your computer, click "Okay". Repeat till you have as few or as many as you want in the post and click "Upload".

That'll put the pics as thumbnail links at the bottom of your post like this. Lindsey and Richard, two fine young folk I had the privilege to show the craft.




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I'd say those fit here just fine Paul.

The thread catagories only help us keep straight where to put things but there's drift so sometimes a forging thread will appear in the intro section or whatever. Sometimes it's far enough afield a post or thread will get moved by management.

Nice bowl phase you're going through there. I like them all.


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A press? I wish!
Nah, they're all hand beaten with a specially made hammer.
Sunken hot into a wooden forming block, then depending on shape raised on a ball stake. Needless to say, lots of hammering. glad you like them. I have done a few others, I'll post more pics, or you can have a look at Sefiira Forge - Hand Forged Artistic Wrought Iron and Sculpture

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