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I Forge Iron

How do your store your drifts and files?


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As I was working today, it became apparent, I need a better system of storage for my drifts and files etc. All of my handled tools are hanging in racks , but the loose hand tools are all over the place, if you have solved this problem please help to alleviate mine!!!

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Holes drilled in a 4x4, etc. works nicely for punches, drifts, chasing tools, etc.

Files should be stored so they can't rub against each other or get banged into to prevent damage. A series of saw cuts in a board wide enough to hold files on edge works. In other cases I've seen 1/8" plywood used as dividers in a similar configuration.

I'll wrap files in an old towel to protect them when going portable.


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For file and chisel storage when mobile, I cut up an old sleeping mat and went for what might just be the cheapest looking french-fit drawers in the world. The empty hole in the upper right normally holds a scratch awl by the handle; obviously not too well.

A little confession I should make is that most of my files bump around against each other in a box of their own....I'm really not a bad guy though.


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my shop is smaller than Juniors ( lol ) but I keep the punches and chisels in a wood block ( visible to the right ) and drifts and other tools in seperate blocks. Files are in a wood box under the benchtop. Jewelers and other needs files are in a breifcase in the basement. I normally have a hot file or 2 by the vise in the shop.

Wood blocks work the best for me in that they are ( blocks) portable. In the rear of the pic you see a wooden toolcase with auger bits ( brace is there too but not visible ). I also have wood boxes for handsaws and several for household tools ( plumbing, carpentry etc ). Wood is good.


Edited by Ten Hammers
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I scored an old metal test tube rack at an iron in the hat. I wired it to the side of my tool rack and it is perfect for storing things like punches and pencils. When I travel I store my punches in an empty Crystal Light container. They come in two sizes and have nice snap on lids.

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I stor my chisels, drifts,punch in steel drawers onsheves .
Every od is heving its drawer .when having a job take the drawer to the anvil when finish put it back in order all the tools are grind and resdy for the next operation.on this steel shelf i also stor all the small jigs and specil tools i forged to help production i have there drawers to acomulate tools from
5/16''-1 1/8''



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Mr. Hofi,
thats a lot more than I have to deal with at this point, but the storage rack is a good idea for growth, After watching you on video, I gained a huge appreciation for the simple tools, like chisels. The way you speak of them, is almost reverent. I find my appreciation of even the small things growing, simply by adopting your viewpoint. I very much look forward to taking a course with you.

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Hello Mike
First thank you for the compliment .
Second my smithy is big and having many tools I think all togther more then 1000
so order must be maintained ,if a tool is not coming back to its place some times we look for it several month until by shear eccedent we find it .
There fore all the tongs are pinted different and located on the wall in logic groups
all the small tools are in cupbord sheves acc to the use the same with the hammers and different templates.
this I started from day 1 if you delays this type of order it will be to late !!!
this is my stat of mine .it saves lots of time and the smithy is allways under control.
If I meet you one day in on of my classe I''ll just be HAPPY

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At quad state this year, there was an individual selling quite a list of videos, mostly of conference demo's, the 3 disk set I bought was the 1st time Mr. Hofi taught at Tom Clarks shop I think. A student appears to have taken it, the quality of the video leaves a lot to be desired, but the teaching is worth the frustration, you might want to enquire at:
UMBA Online
thats the name on the dvd.
good luck

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