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I Forge Iron

Bear's Head DVD available from Darryl Nelson

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I have just previewed Darryl Nelson's Bear's Head DVD that he has for sale. It was quite good. I am trying to get him to post a clip to YouTube. I'll post a thread if that happens.

It shows both the three dimensional and two dimensional bear's heads each in a step by step progression.
Each step is described (showing the tooling used) cold on the anvil. A close up of the actual forging follows each description.

There is a section on tooling.

The DVD runs for about 1 hour.

Darryl can be contacted at
[email protected]

I show some of my efforts after taking a class from Darryl below.




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That is really cool pics.
My mentor ,wayne coe, told me about your forge welding video on you tube, I just wanted to tell you how AWESOME that was. You made/make forge welding look easy, and it aint!!!!
Also on your site I noticed your First book has some really interresting stuff to me. Book 1 I was weondering if the differnt pictures/projects are differnt chapters in the book and if the book tells how to make the tool, and how to use it??


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Howdy Mark,
How's the book coming? You going to be at Weaverville this year? See you later.
Mike Limb

Mike, I'm writing the book at the moment. I taught a couple of classes at Darryl's this November and we had a few days to play with his video. It was a nice distraction.

Darryl will be coming to Weaverville in 2010 to do a demo/workshop.

I'll see you there in March. Regards to MikeH
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