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I Forge Iron

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Hello Everyone,

I am new to IFI, but not so new to blacksmithing. I live in Washington State and I have blacksmithing and bladesmithing since 1996. I stopped for about 4 years because of a lack of space for a shop. Now I am getting back into things and thought I would find a place where I can talk with others with the same interests. I'm looking forward to swapping ideas and making new friends.



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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! I spent a bunch of summers in Wash. state. either in Seattle or on Camano Island where my grand mother has some property. Was born at Northgate Hosp. in '54. Wonderfor state, would like to get back there sometime and take my wife.

Glad you hooked up with us here. Great bunch of folks and are willing to help. I meet a few smiths from Seattle back in May at the BAM conference, very talented guys. Look forward to visiting with you here and seeing some of your work!

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Hi Frosty,

That's funny stuff wish I would have thought of that. Actually, it's dragon. I thought of the name because of these dragon head bottle openers that I make. As soon as I get my camera up and working I'll post some pics. It is great to meet people from around the country I look forward to learning some new things.

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It's nice to meet you as well. How are things in Texas? I used to live over in the Seattle area. I liked it there for the most part but the traffic and cost of living was hard to deal with. I'll try to post some of my work as soon as I get my camera working again. I look forward to seeing some of your stuff as well.


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Of course it's dragon, it wouldn't've been funny otherwise. (big assumption on my part that anything I say is funny, of course I live a really long ways from most folk)

The first dragon bottle opener I saw were being made by Darryl Nelson's son in Eatonville.

I've made a few but it's been a while.


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Hey everyone, i`m new, i`m 16 and living in Ontario, Ive recently become interested in Blacksmithing in the last two years and have built my own forge and made a few items, and even now my tech teacher at school is adding Blacksmithing to the curriculum because of me and so i`m feeling pretty good about my self, i have started building a smithy but got caught up by the snow so that is stalled now until spring. that`s about it i guess, just glad to find a place where i can talk to you all, because there is about only one toher blacksmith in my area and i can`t drive on my own yet so yeah....

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Very NICE rose! I am impressed! Tell me (in detail) how you did this... My wife done seen it and you know what that means... Yeah, you guessed it... she wants to MAKE one her self! Thats right... she likes to weld too. She loves to do what I do and I dont know why ... all I know is this... she wants to make one. Would you be so kind ( I know I'm a stranger to you but I must ask just the same) to tell us how you did this? I can be reached at [email protected] . Thanks!

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I would be happy to share the step-by-step process. After all isn't that why we are all here. I have more pictures in my member gallery feel free to take a look. I'll put together some instruction for you but it will take me a few days to do. I plan on posting it to the blueprints section as well.

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