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I Forge Iron

Prayers for Mom


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My wife got a scared call from my Mom this afternoon while I was at work. Could she please pick her up and bring her to the hospital, she was having chest pains, numbness and tingling. She does not like the fuss or attention of the ambulance.

We are not sure what is going on but the doctors are testing and holding her for a while, But I am sure of the power of Prayer!!!

I gotta tell ya when you hear something might be wrong with mom it has a very strange effect on your thinking. Lifes other problems seem to become very very small.

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Thanks So much, It really means a lot!
Here is an update on Mom, She has alot of testing which so far has shown no damage to her heart.(big sigh and thank you!) But there is some kind of problem...So she is staying a few more days. Tomorrow is an angiogram (sp) and then we will all know better how what the doctors will do.
Thank you Again for the Prayers

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Thank You All for the prayers, thoughts and well wishes!!! Mom sends her thanks too!
The good Lord was sure Listening! They were answered today as Mom got to go home with a few special Meds to to work on clogged artery issues. As said before no damage to her heart, The Doc described it as a real scary warning and wake up call to make a few changes....Cut out the smoking, work on the stress, eat right and the medications should take care of the problems.
Thanks Again from our whole Family
TIM & Anna Marie

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