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I Forge Iron

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i made me a little forge in the ground.and i got a RR spike pounded flat..as soon as i get paid im gonna build a good forge.and an anvil.and hammer.i used a claw hammer and a RR plate.


Good for you Fishdaddy!

Too many guys wait entirely too long to get all the "right" tools before starting. Sad thing it is too. Keep at it and by time you have all the right tools you'll realize you made most of them yourself.

The tie plate is okay but a piece of rail is much better. An old axle buried on end, flange up makes a good anvil too. Lots and lots of options to choose from but you have the spirit.



All you need is something to heat the metal, something to beat the metal with and something to beat the metal on. Looks like you have everything you need. Good luck.

Try making the break drum forge. I hear it works pretty good and there is a blueprint for it too.:cool:

It DOES work well...that's what I use.I put the brake drum firepot in an old BBQ grill,and hooked it up to an older shop vac on a dimmer switch.;)
i'll never look at a piece of iron the same way again..lol

LOL I found myself looking at a semi truck this morning wondering what I could make outa all that metal! Had to tell myself it wasn't scrap yet!:D

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