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No doubt you are correct and I was clueless. I've seen that quote many times and may have at some point knew who said it but not anymore. These days I dole out those bits of wisdom to my friends kids so often that I can't remember where I heard them before or even if I heard them before. There's no telling how many quotes I've completely butchered. Wisdom may come with age but I'll never know because I forgot it all. 

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Ah, it's not cluelessness and you didn't butcher it, that and other Henry Ford quotes are floating around everywhere. I know that one because it's on the wall of the athletic complex where Deb and I walk. It is my favorite though. Of course now I wish I could remember some more of them.

Frosty The Lucky.

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That's a good one, there's another one about luck being 90% work or persistence, or some such.  Dang, Deb has the car or I'd drive up to the athletic center and write a few down. I did a web search and don't see the ones I'm thinking of. The man sure could talk couldn't he? I'll bet he's the model for most modern motivational speakers today.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I like that one IDFCW. I'll have to file that one in the pile as well. It makes a lot of sense. Frosty, I can't say with certainty but I would be willing to bet that motivational speakers these days get most of their programs from great (or not so great) men and women of the past. I would venture a guess and say that nothing new has come out in the motivational world since someone figured out they could sell tickets to listen to someone repeat them as if they were new. These days I would imagine a motivational seminar being pretty much just an hour of memes in speech format. Little do they know that they could spend a few minutes on the gems and pearls and have a few hours worth of talking points

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Jason, I wouldn't consider myself a "motivational seaker" but a few years ago I was asked to speak to the University of Wyoming Army ROTC cadets.  I only spoke for about 15 minutes and I spoke about my own experiences in Viet Nam and my career in the military and what it means to be an Army officer.  In 25 words or less I told them that at the bed rock level being an officer or leader is conciously being the grown up in the room and doing the "right thing.".  And I didn't consult a single meme in preparing my remarks but I did do some hard thinking.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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George, I've seen your posts around here and I have to say, I believe you are more likely to be quoted than quote someone else. You and a few others here seem to have more experience than most and a life filled with experience is a quote generator. That's where all good quotes come from anyway. The failures and successes of those willing to try, that's where the best information comes from and it's why I don't do social media. Most of the people on there (not all) have no idea what experience really is. In my opinion, and I'm frequently wrong, the best experience comes from creation, not imitation.

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Jason, thank you.  Yes, it has been a long, strange, and interesting journey.  I have done a lot of varied things along the way that have given me a lot more perspective than someone who has worked 40-50 years at one job or profession and who has stayed close to where they grew up.  I've been (incomplete list) a steel worker, cook, infantryman, hard rock miner, geologist, blacksmith, attorney, surveyor, and a number of other things.  And I grew up in a big city (south side of Chicago) and have lived in big and medium sized cities and small towns.  And I have travelled pretty extensively.  None of this was that planned, life just happened.  

And I'm not done yet!

I just hope that my comments here and elsewhere will be of some value to someone who has not travelled the same roads that I have.

All that said, I do enjoy a good meme.


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You don't REALLY believe Henry Ford actually thought of those do you? :rolleyes:

Ben Franklin has a version of the Edison and Jefferson quotes above and I'm sure Aristotle quoted Plato who caged it from Socrates who heard it . . . eatery, barber shop or?

Most of these things have been said by so many so many times I'll never remember where I heard it one first time.

Frosty The Lucky.

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You sound like me George. I've had so many different types of jobs I can't remember most of them unless I put some effort into it, but I can remember a little trick or two from each. 

Frosty, your knowledge is showing again. You're probably right about a lot of sayings being passed down from a lot earlier than is known. It's sad really that we learn from the students of those great people who sometimes are completely forgotten. Imagine what ideas were lost simply because someone didn't pass it down. 

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My knowledge of how to look stuff up. All I remembered were the names I had to look up their order. 

You know, some things are forgotten because it ran it's course and even then people are figuring out how thing were done long ago. What excites me is how much new stuff we're figuring out every day. New technology is letting us see more clearly farther into the past than we could imagine just a few years ago. Space X is 3D printing rocket engines from alloys formulated while being printed and now entire rockets.

It's just AWESOME out there! 

I can't say how gad I am to have lived long enough to catch a glimpse of what's going on now and have the tools to see some of it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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