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I Forge Iron

Cutting S7?


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Okay, we’re there. The winner is…

…the bandsaw!!!

I cut these on the flat, as my saw has a tendency to wander, even when the feed speed is set at Glacial.  


The shavings cleared out just fine, and all is well. 

Interestingly, the bars turned out to be a bit longer than advertised, so here are four pieces just under 5” and two just under 6”, all cut from one bar. 



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John: Your bandsaw will wander less if you adjust the guide rollers on the mobile side of the vise so it barely clears the vise. If I'm making multiple cuts on the same size material I only lift the blade enough to clear the stock and lock it in place with the feed valve.

When adjusted close the guide rolls will be a good 3/4" closer if cut on edge for less wander. New sharp blades make all the difference, it doesn't take much to dull one side of the blade, say a LITTLE grit, scale or dust.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I've been having trouble adjusting the roller guides within their guide holders; they seem not to want to be moved closer together, and the resulting wider gap seems to let the blade go out of vertical more easily. One more thing to fix in my copious free time.

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