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I Forge Iron

Small rectangular anvil

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Hello all, I am trying to recall the manufacturer of a specific anvil. It is similar to a rectangular Japanese anvil (although if I remember correctly it has a hardy hole) and wieghs in at only about 80lbs. It is currently being manufactured at that weight so that it can be shipped at a reasonable cost and is meant to help begginer bladesmiths get underway. Im inquiring for a young man who wants to forge some blades and needs an anvil. Thank for any help you might have.

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On 11/4/2021 at 1:09 AM, Frosty said:

Welcome aboard Bladesmith in beautiful Soldotna, glad to have you. I'm just the other side of the road from Wasilla a few hours north of you. 

Thank you sir, glad to finally be a part of the forum. About 99% of what I build is blades with a little welding thrown in on occasion and a little bit of blacksmithing. Honestly, Im not much good as a blacksmith and have specialized in the forged blade for some time now. I built myself a woodstove recently, and here are a few blades I recently completed. 






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Those are some fine looking blades I'm a fan of low layer count high contrast pattern welded blades. How large is the Kukri?

Nice stove, I don't see the draft. How is it to clean without an ash door or is it on the back side? I'm a fan of vertical barrel stoves too, if you can introduce a little vortex to the internal atmosphere they shed more heat and don't soot up so quickly.

Do have a name, nick name, handle, etc. we may address you by? Alaskan Bladesmith is a little awkward and there are a couple more Bladesmiths in Alaska on IforgeIron. Not very active here but they lurk and post now and then.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks, the Falcata/Kukri has a blade of just over 12inches long. 

You can call me Zeke if you'd like--its what most people call me. 

The woodstove has an air supply coming in the backside with a quarter turn on it. I will run a pipe from it out the wall of my house to that I wont being pulling air through thd cracks in our tight house. Im afraid there's no ash cleanout. I'll just have to man up and scoop out the ashes :)

by the way, how to I attach the name of the person that Im replying to at the top of my reply??

15 hours ago, FlatLiner said:

Nice work.

Thank you

11 hours ago, Frosty said:

Those are some fine looking blades I'm a fan of low layer count high contrast pattern welded blades. How large is the Kukri?

Nice stove, I don't see the draft. How is it to clean without an ash door or is it on the back side?

Oh, just figured it out-ha!

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Zeke: Unless you're referring to something specific in another post folks are pretty good at figuring out who and what you're responding to. Just calling us by name works too, that's why I asked you for your preferred form of address and why I sign my posts. 

I go by Frosty, "The Lucky" got added because I'm a fully paid up member of the lucky to be alive club. I was attacked by a great white . . . BIRCH and survived a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) among other severe injuries, there's a list in the archives Prayers section I think. So many things lined up in my favor the prayers and support from the Iforge gang among others kept Deb sane (well, mostly) and kept us above boards till I was coming back to speed. 

I can't count the ways I'm a lucky guy. A bit much back story but every once in a while I remind the IFI gang I remember and I'm still VERY thankful for their support and help recovering. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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