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I Forge Iron

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Paint won't work well over wax. You'd want bare clean metal for good adhesion and best results. 

Quality of the paint matters too. Some dont have uv protection and sunlight will degrade it. 

I don't believe there is any "permenant" coating but some will fare longer than others. 


I tend to consider rust to be a finish for my outside metal- it is the most reliable for me. I just hit it every now and then with oil- usually blo, sometimes tung, Danish oil or whatever else I happen to grab.Depending on the size of the piece i might warm it up with a propane torch and do the classic blo/turps/beezwak wipe on. Whatever you end up doing, it will generally need periodic maintenance.



What Stash and others have said. If your dinner bell is for go, not just for show, i dont think paint or clear coat is an potion. I think they might flake off. 


If I know an item will be outdoors and I am not sure that it will be maintained then I go for a "rust finish" or I forge it from stainless, titanium, or monel or other alloy that is rust resistant.

Clear coat will get damaged in a Triangle that gets used and then rust under the coat where the dings are making the worst of both issues.


I guess it’ll take a little maintenance here and there to keep it looking right. No big deal. 
I haven’t tried forging with stainless yet but I really want to. I hear it’s tough stuff to work with. 


And if you are making it for someone else, a little education on maintenance helps. 

Use the wax and check it every once in a while to see if it needs another coat. 

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