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We made a horn from the half of a 50 l balloon and a 50 cm ceramic fiber lining. What other measures can be taken to improve the characteristics of the horn? Which burner design do you prefer? I also want to learn forging welding, but I don't know how to achieve high temperature and energy.to avoid overspending gas?

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Welcome to IFI! If you haven't yet, please READ THIS FIRST!!!

There are a number of posts already on the forum about different burner designs, forge welding methods, etc. I'd suggest reading them over to see if they answer your questions, and then maybe ask something more specific to the kind of work you want to do. Happy reading!

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Your translation program isn't working all that well, unfortunately.  A photo of your forge will probably give us more information than a description in this case.  I assume you mean you made a forge from half of a 50 liter tank with around 50 mm of ceramic fiber lining.  If so that is still a huge forge volume.  For a first forge we usually recommend an interior volume on the order of 5 to 6 liters.

Burner design preference differs depending on smith and available resources and utilities.  I like forced air burners for their ease of build and tuning, but others differ.

You achieve high temperatures efficiently by limiting paths of heat transfer away from your forge interior.  This includes good insulation to limit that loss through the forge walls and floor as well as good doors to limit radiant and convective losses.

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Welcome aboard Dari, glad you made it to the active branches! If you'll put  your general location in the header other folk living in Russia are a lot more likely to notice and heck, they may live close enough to visit. 

For our Russian blacksmith Brothers. Can someone recommend a good translation program so we can talk with Dari? 

Frosty The Lucky.

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14 hours ago, Dari said:

I also want to learn forging welding, but I don't know how to achieve high temperature and energy.to avoid overspending gas?

There are several burner designs listed on this forum. Pick one of them, and follow the instructions.

Which burner you should choose simply depends on what material, versus what tools, are most easily available to you. Any of them will work just fine, if you follow our instructions. Which forge is best, will depend to some extent on which burner you choose. So, get busy reading, and then choose.

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