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I Forge Iron

Metal sourcing question

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Forgive me for posting here if theres a dedicated thread for this kinda thing. 

So I've got a 96 or 97 Honda shadow 1100 frame sitting in my shed since a buddy chucked it while moving. 

Everything ive gathered thus far leads me to believe that it should be made out of DOM steel tubing that's likely powder coated. 

Question is, since its highly unlikely that it's galvanized since it's automotive; once i grind off the paint/powder coat would it be a good/safe source of steel for basic things? Taking into account the chimney effect. 

Real cautious with new materials i haven't messed around with in the past. Has anyone worked with something Similar? 

Thanks in advance, Mike

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Is it in a form that supports something you want to do?  I've met several people who "saved" nearly a dollar by forging down large "free" steel they had; of course they did spend an entire day and $13 worth of propane to save that dollar...

It may be an alloy like is used for plane frames---a chrome moly alloy; I'd expect a motorcycle frame to be more than mild steel; but not an alloy good for say blades.

Many "free" scrap items are best sold as scrap and the proceeds used to buy what you need.  I'd list it on Craigslist and see what you can get for it.

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Well at 2 cents a pound, it won't bring much. As far as selling, especially to a scrap yard he will need the title.

I would not grind the paint off, but heat it and scrape it, or just toss it in a fire and go do something else for awhile.

Chopped up you could forge a whole ristra of chiles.

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