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Hi people, im looking at buying my first anvil and have failed to find a decent ASO and frankly can't afford much more than this 1 is listed at. The seller says its early 1800s pre-peter wright method forged anvil and im tempted in my ignorance to agree given the waist's slight off centre nature. It has a bit of sway but the damage doesnt seem to have become so bad as to make it unuseable to me.

my question i suppose is does anybody have knowledge of anvils this old/construction method, do they still have a hardened steel surface and at £250 does this seem like a good 1?


ebay anvil 283lb waist.jpg

ebay anvil 238 top.jpg

ebay anvil 283lb 2.jpg



Welcome to IFI! If you haven't yet, please READ THIS FIRST!!!

You don't give your location, but since you give the price in pounds, I'm going to guess that you're in the UK. If the ring and the rebound are good, £250 for a 283 lb anvil isn't bad at all.


Like JHCC said if the ring & rebound is good it's a good one with a hardened face. Around here at that price it won't last long on the market.

BTW if you edit your profile to show location, we won't have to guess or dunn you for it when required to give an accurate answer.


By the way an ASO is an Anvil Shaped Object---something that looks like an anvil but cannot be used as one as it's made from a material that won't stand up to pounding.  So to me a Decent ASO is an oxymoron.  It was coined when the flood of cheap cast iron ASO's started to hit the American market.


Just waiting for payday to buy it, a few days. on the topic of Anvil stands/quieting an anvil does anybody have any advice?  

I was thinking to knock something together out of multiple scaffolding planks cut out the shape of the foot and find something to hold the 'toes' of the foot tight to the wood. I have seen people use tree stumps aswell as home welded stands made of tubing but having problems locating the former and have to admit to being unable to weld, I have seen things on amazon like stands for table saws but I Strongly suspect these would be a terrible choice. 


U.k Beverley east yorkshire

6 minutes ago, mike1h said:

Just waiting for payday to buy it, a few days. on the topic of Anvil stands/quieting an anvil does anybody have any advice?  


Check the stickies on anvil stands. The subject has been covered often and there are pages of commentary on that subject.


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