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I Forge Iron

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I went to someone's house the other day and found a very good aprox. 75 lb. anvil in the back of their barn, topped with an old vice. I asked the old lady whose it was. "It was give to my husband a loooong time ago" was the reply....And I stopped right there!:) :)
I have a question! How do you upset the end of a piece of steel? Do you just heat the end up and hit it vertically on the anvil?

The kidsmith,
Dave Custer

Posted (edited)

Two thoughts run together there. Ask the lady if she would be interested inseeing those tools put back to work, maybe on loan.

To upset a piece of steel you can heat the end, and hammer the cold end while holding verticaly, yes. There are a bunch of ways. Check the free books off the front page for tons on basic info.

Edited by Finnr
spelling as usual!

Depends on the size of the steel. If it is small, say under 3/4", and short I usually do it in a vise but if it is 1" and above and long I have a 2" thiick round that is on the ground that I thump it on. I think I would go back and ask the old lady to sell the anvil. It ain't doing her any good and it may be of use to you. Won't hurt to ask.:D


Maybe he's afraid of upsetting HER?

You're a good kid Dave, just politely ask her if she'd be willing to part with it. Maybe offer to help her around the place in exchange, that often goes a lot farther with the elderly than a few bucks.



The vice/anvil combo is likely a Champion thats not particulairly useful as it valuable to, i shutter to mention the word, collectors for what I've seen them things go for at auction would make ya cry, you could buy a decent no name london pat and a post vice. And for upseting the hotter the metal the better(not quite welding heat but close)you be able to move a lot more metal per heat.


The way i upsett small thickness es of stock is get er Hott!!! then put the cold side on my leg (belt line) and hammmer on the hot side ... Also Dave Check out the book Backayard blacksmithing its loaded with great info.


if its a heavy piece (and aint high carbon steel) heat verry wel on the spot to upset, then localy cool down the rest and then drop heated part first on the anvil or an upsetting blok, strigthen it back avery 3 of 4 drops

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