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ABANA- Paid- For What?

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I wasn't going to re-up this year to abana, and instead just my local chapter that I do everything with, but they had that hammer's blow on cd deal so I re-upped just for that.

ABANA has been historically a good organization, but as of late they seem to have lost their way a bit.

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ABANA is working hard to get back to the core importance of the organization. I can tell you that the Board members are working hard to provide its membership with opportunities that can benefit them.

Your membership is already doing some things for you...too much to list

Over the years there have been a lot of changes that come along with different Board member personalities and leadership. But this is every organization. ABANA is no different.

I am lucky and honored to be a current member on the ABANA Board of Directors. I am listening, so are the other 14 members. So, please drop me a line if I can be of any help to you or anyone else here.

To me, ABANA is not the Artist, or the Beginner, or the Traditionalists, or any other facet. WE are blacksmithing. And WE are ABANA. We are only as strong as our membership, and you joining the cause makes things one more strong towards this. Thank you!

Peyton Anderson
ABANA Board of Directors Member
[email protected]

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I joined ABANA while attending the BAM conference in May. Glad I did. I believe there will be changes made and are being made to improve the organization. I am excited about being a member, (although I didn't recieve the CD mentioned.:() But evidently that wasn't a factor for me joining or not joining. I do hope that in the future the ABANA conferences will come more in line $$$wise with what Saltfork, BAM, QuadState, and others put on. Thanks Payton for you comments.

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Thank You!
My post had been somewhat edited due to some potential guideline infractions on my part. I get excited...a lot of times possibly too excited.

About the CD. The CD offer was a limited time membership drive incentive item within a certain window of time. By BAM the time had past. I hope we can eventually get that CD back into an offering of some sort.

Thanks all.

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Too often people join organisations with the expectation that they only benefit from membership. This is incorrect. No less than this website, benefits come from active participation and positive input, not from sitting back and waiting for everyone else to pander to you. Whether it is ABANA or a local church group, you will get out what you put in.

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Hi. About the CD, the above posts are correct. But.........for those of us who did not get in on the deal, there is a way to buy something. I just got back from an ABANA clinic up in Placerville (yes, another reason to join ABANA). It was absolutely fabulous. One of the ABANA reps had cut several substitute CD's to sell. They contained everything on the membership bonus CD + more later issues with color pictures + all the CHF lessons. They were selling for $10 ($35 for non-members). I'm not sure if this is a CBA only thing, but that is a smokin' deal, and I would not worry any of this missing out stuff.

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