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Anvil Identification Help please

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Hello everyone. I have just discovered your website and this is my first post.

I have an anvil that I hope someone can help me confirm it's identity and possibly obtain information on it's age.

I have uploaded various photos for reference.

The anvil appears to be a Peter Wright. The markings are very faint and dinged but I can just make out the letters 'IGHT' on the side.

Other markings include the relatively clear weight marks (2, 2, 17) and also very, very faint traces of the letters 'Solid Wrought' I believe, set around the central '2' marking.

It is a lovely anvil to use and I suppose it is unusual in that it is a double bick form. It has two hardy hgoles and two pritchel holes. In my amateurish research online I have not seen any IMG_0352.thumb.JPG.e45fa4d6c165cbb58fcf7004683c1542.JPGanvil like it. I would be very grateful if anyone might kindly help with any information on this particular anvil . I would be particularly interested in when it might have been manufactured. Thank you.



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The feet do look like Peter Wright, and the numbers would indicate British. Never seen a PW with double horn though. Very nice. The weight (287 lb). It will do everything you want and more.

A bit of chalk or powder rubbed over the writing may reveal more lettering.

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There was a Henry Wright too,  The double bick was a standard form shown in catalogs but not as popular as the London pattern. Very rare on this side of the pond; save I have seen a few that were imported from the UK "recently" by smiths.

Memo to self: source waterproof "drool cover" for keyboard!

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Kevin Olson - Thanks Kevin. I just checked and the first hardy hole is 1,1/2 inch. The second hardy hole is 1, 1/4 inch.


ThomasPowers - Thank you for your response Thomas. It does seem difficult to pin down historical details on this particular anvil, well at least for me! I had searched for some time for information on this particular anvil form, going on the assumption (rightly or wrongly) that it might be a Peter Wright. But I became completely  stumped. Naturally, this only served to further stoke my curiousity  of course! It is certainly intriguing me.

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Peter Wright did make a double horn anvil. Here is a thread about one, unfortunately the photos have been lost in the forum upgrade.


There is a mousehole Brooks & Cooper add with an anvil that looks like it in this thread. (scroll down)



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Very nice and interesting anvil. It appears to be a variation on the Yorkshire pattern, but I’ve never seen one with the hardy hole IN the round horn, plus the dual pritchel holes. Really cool, I’d hang onto that one forever just because of its uniqueness even if it somehow (I don’t know how) it didn’t serve my needs anymore.

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On 11/16/2018 at 12:34 AM, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

Peter Wright did make a double horn anvil. Here is a thread about one, unfortunately the photos have been lost in the forum upgrade.


There is a mousehole Brooks & Cooper add with an anvil that looks like it in this thread. (scroll down)



Thanks for your response Irondragon Forge and for going to the trouble of sending me these links. I will follow these up and see wher it leads me.


On 11/16/2018 at 3:36 AM, stevomiller said:

Very nice and interesting anvil. It appears to be a variation on the Yorkshire pattern, but I’ve never seen one with the hardy hole IN the round horn, plus the dual pritchel holes. Really cool, I’d hang onto that one forever just because of its uniqueness even if it somehow (I don’t know how) it didn’t serve my needs anymore.

Thanks for your message and interest Stevomiller. Yes indeed,  the hardy hole in the round horn and dual pritchel holes seem to be unusual features peculiar to this particular anvil. No doubt,  I will certainly be holding on to this anvil. It is a pleasure to work on and will be with me for life!

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