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I Forge Iron

Philip in China

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I realize it's unlikely Philip can connect to post the forum so I don't expect to hear from him for a while. I'm sure hoping he and his are alright.

He's in Sichuan, near the epicenter of the recent major quake.

Gonna say a little prayer for everyone in harm's way tonight and Philip by name.


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................ have been greatly exaggerated.

The chimney on the forge was cracked by the main shake. It was a 7.9 within 100 miles of here so I think my motto still stands. An aftershock took it down completely. The forge still works and has made emergency tools and boiled rain water.

In town we lost a complete hospital and a couple of schools. Pretty well no survivors from any of those. We need the hospital! Death toll here is huge. The Chinese army are working day and night to help. They really have been marvellous. There has not been any looting at all that I have seen. That compares well with the gangs operating after Katrina!

My beloved judo mat we ripped up to provide beds for people and the canvas cover is now a tent over a soccer goal. It is further supported by my hog roast uprights and the squat stands from the weights room. (All Rustmart products).

We now get a few hours power a day so I can post. Would have done earlier but couldn't get the all new site to work and when time is at a premium one cannot waste it on machines that hang.

Your kind thoughts and messages really have been a support to me and to Sean the other smith here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see it is 10 days since I updated you.

We are still here. Things are about the same except that we now have several million tons of water in a quake lake just above the town. This is concentrating our minds wonderfully on such subjects as will it rain? Will the lake burst? Will we all be killed and if so how?

At 5'7" tall it will quickly be over my head if it does come. Maybe the idea of sleeping on the ground floor to avoid quake damage should be reexamined.....

I will keep you all posted.

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Is it one of the "quake lakes?"

I think I'd be thinking pretty hard on moving to high ground myself. Unless maybe you live in a reinforced masonry structure on stable NFS soils, then an upper floor might work. Remember, the recent quake and after shocks will have the soils loosened if liquifaction hasn't effected them already, they'll be much more susceptible to erosion, especially in flood conditions. Flash floods like dam bursts are more damaging that simple flooding as they carry a front of debris and usually consist of pretty thick liquid mud.

A person almost never drowns in that kind of flood.

Keep safe Philip, we're thinking about you and all the other souls affected.


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Didn't mean to mislead you, I worded that badly.

Flash floods kill lots of people, they just don't drown usually.

Think of the videos of the Christmas tsunamis. then think about moving to high ground.


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I suppose I must be alive if I am posting this.

A big aftershock today. Will they ever stop??

A lot of relief arrived this week which was good. It was from Chabad China. So if anybody does want to give a few bucks to help the locals that is probably the best appeal to support.

I shall be going to UK to try to raise some money. Flying out on Wednesday to London.

As ever thanks guys for your kind wishes.

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I'm not much of a fund raiser, in fact never raised a penny for charity in my life, but I have to say that I am impressed with the sense of community and fellowship the Chinese have shown during this horror. If there is anything allbeit small I can do to help, let me know. My son is an Olympian and all the family will be in Beijing to support him, so we do have a small vested interest. Perhaps raise awareness? Anyway, Good luck Philip.

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  • 1 month later...

I am back in UK now after a brief holiday at my place in Bulgaria. Will be back in China on 18th so will report then on the current state. The fundraising was disappointing but folks are worried about recession here just like everywhere else.

On the shop in Bulgaria I have already been promised a couple of small Bulgarian anvils (about 100 pounders) and a piece of railway line so I shall have something to start with. I think after my 2:2:0 Vaughans a 100 pounder will seem like a toy but who knows maybe I will find something bigger when once I start to build the shop. Also there are always Euros available just down the road in Czech republic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I would just update this to let you know what is going on here.

The homeless were all in tents. They are now being reaccomodated in styrofoam "houses" for the winter. It will be years before all the houses are rebuilt so they could be quite a long time in the foam places. These are one room constructions with a centralised laundry, ablution and recreation facility. It is less of a hardship for most people here than it would be for you or me because many of them had little enough before the quake anyway.

The infrastructure is also being fixed but that is a big slow job.

People are starting to return to normality although many shops etc. are still closed.

As far as production is concerned the lathes have started turning again! Exports were down last quarter (possibly due in part to all the natural disasters) but watch out USA. Items seen in the rear view mirror can be closer than they look!

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