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I Forge Iron

Building a propane forge


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Best way is space shuttle tiles; may cost more than your house but it's BEST!  Best is rather indeterminate without specifying parameters; things like cost, availability, ease of working with...

So what are you planning to do with this forge? Forge Welding? (and how much!) Are you living in Iceland or Australia?  (we have over 100 countries participating on this World Wide Web and unless you are willing to pay international shipping it's rather a waste for folks to make suggestions that may be local specific.)

YOU know what you want to do; if you share that info with us we can make good suggestions. If not it's random guesses.

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Good Morning, JW

Welcome to our world. You will want to put your location in your Avatar, otherwise we can only guess from what part of the world you are making a shadow.

You are starting out with a question. We will not answer your question until you show enough understanding, normally, from reading previous answers on your same question. In other words, we are not being rude, we are asking you to do some Homework to answer your own question. You need to show you are trying to understand.

There are Blacksmith organizations all over this planet, if you put in your location, we can suggest somewhere to gain "REAL" help, not keyboard help.

 Welcome, Neil



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Thanks to all for the comments.  I dont blog much so bear with me.  Trying to figure out how to respond to individual posts.  I am from North Carolina.  I want to get into bladesmithing.  I have been using a home built coal forge for about 2 years and am relatively self taught.  I am trying to figure out how to forge weld as well.  

22 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:




Thanks you.  That helped.  

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Wayne.  I appreciate your post.  I looked at your web site and the attachment and realized I have on old 30lb not a 40lb.  I am going to use it and I thought about doing a 3 burner vs a 2 burner.  I havent had time to cut the tank yet but I did take the valve out about 3 months ago.

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As this is a forum and not a blog; lack of experience blogging won't be a problem.

To make specific reply you can use the quote function----but please cut them down to as small as possible; especially if there are not needed pictures!  Or what I do: mouse over the text and select it and paste it into my reply and NOT preserve any formatting when it asks. I will add quotation marks at times...

However; in general folks can understand what you are referring to without extra coaching---like I didn't quote any of your replies here.

As has been mention before; having someone who is good at forge welding can get you doing it well in one saturday.  Trying to learn on your own will require MUCH LONGER!

Try to find a local ABANA Affiliate and attend a meeting and ask who's near you that may be willing to help.

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Look up as much information as you can about two-gallon Freon or helium non-refillable cylinder forges; that it the proper size for a knife smith to start with; they are way less money to build and to operate. They are also way faster to use.

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