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I'm new here and found this site while researching an anvil my husband and I bought many, many years ago. I can't find anything on or about it, figured all you nice people here maybe able to help me out. The only mark I can make out is what appears to be 1914 with a number 5 under it. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 









Hi Aviane, What you have there is not Wilkinson but rather a Soderfors/Paragon anvil made in Sweden. They used a straight razor on their anvils too. You can clearly see 129 Lbs marked on the side and above that the makers mark. The anvil is dated 1914 as to the 5 perhaps a inspectors mark. Soderfors are one of the finest quality anvils made.


Interesting to say the least considering I picked it up at a yard sale in FL. I thought that was the # 129 but was not sure and I would have never guessed that other marking was a straight razor. The anvil was held in place to a very old tree stump by railroad spikes. I am debating on letting it go but I love that old thing. 1914 is relatively new is it not? I will take a look at the link Irondragon, tyvm.


Hang onto it. Never know when the forging bug might bite. 

As long as its kept out of the elements it'll be fine. The few torch marks might detract value but not really usability. Look up and do a rebound test on the face to see what the rebound is. 


I agree with Direwolf; the weight stamping in pounds and the date stamping is not consistent with a Wilkinson; neither is the straight razor as the Wilkinson used the two "crossed Hot Dogs"  as part of their Queens's Cross Dudley  markings.

Postman also says "If you can make out the image of a straight razor you have a Söderfors"


I looked up the rebound test (should be interesting). I really do appreciate the feedback. I am new to the anvil world even though I have been toting this anvil around with me since 1991. 


The two of you are already old friends (since 1991) so now get acquainted with each other. Look up JABOD (just a box of dirt) and build yourself a forge. A 2 pound ball pein hammer will work, and those at the flea market are reasonably priced.

Anything you can do with modeling clay, you can do with metal. There are many ladies that play with fire on the site.  If you have questions, just ask.



Good catch guys on the brand.

I am also on a shaving forum and made the jump to Wilkinson. I should have remembered that some of my Wilkinson bayonets have crossed swords, not razors...


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