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I Forge Iron

Diamond edge sharpening!!!

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Guest matrix123

I use the diamond technology to sharpen knives,tools & gardening tools....what type of sharpening tools do you use? Please let me know.....:)


Everything from a hammer to hard arkansaw black stones---depends on what I'm sharpening.

I've picked up some nice old artificial and natural stones over the years at the fleamarket---a buck or two for stuff that's quite expensive in the stores. Sure they are grimy but they can be cleaned. (I will not suggest the dishwasher method to anyone who is married!)

My best finds were when I was living in Arkansas and got a few *large* stones suitable for doing swords.

I store my smaller stones in old cotton socks in a drawer of one of my workbenches. A good old stone will last until it's worn in two---or dropped. A lot of the modern cheap stones are too hard and so do not wear to fresh grit but just glaze over and are a pain to get back in shape.


Belt sander and buffing wheels with three different grits and one polishing wheel. Keep in mind that buffer is probably the most dangerous tool in the shop though, you have to have a firm grip of the item your sharpening. And have the wheel positioned so if it jerks a knife out of your hand it can sling it straight down. If you want it slick then hand sand the edge up to 1000 grit before you hit it on the buffing wheels.


I use bladesmith technology. does that answer your question?

Technology doesn't do any work, the tools, used by a person yes, I sure hope this IS a salesmen, I haven't seen Glenn sic the german shepards on a salesmen in a long while :D


Matrix123, tell us more of this "diamond technology to sharpen knives, tools & gardening tools." Are you a sales person for this product? BTW, belt grinder, angle grinders, die grinders, files, whatever it takes:)


WOW! Sounds wonderful. When is he going to let us know what it is? I hope that it is a whole lot better then my cheap HF four way diamomd hone I bought at a yard sale. The old guy died before he could use it.:D


Worksharp 3000 for Wood working edge tools, scary sharp for other things with finishing by fine oil stone and then stropping on rough side of leather and finally stropping on smooth side of leather with jewelers rouge on it.

OOOhh, Sales pitch's are frowned upon here.

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