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PFP Peddinghaus anvil

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I have been offered this very early PFP Peddinghaus Forged Anvil. its 568 lbs. has a few chips on the edges.. its said to have remarkable rebound and offered to me at just under $2000.00. any thoughts or concerns about this anvil would be appreciated either good or bad.. I don't know much about Peddinghaus... only what I've been finding to read.. seems mostly positive.. thanks, JT


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A great high quality anvil..  It really all depends on how much you want it.. 

I would pass as I want and need good corners.. 

I have the newer editon of the Peddinghaus and while i like the anvil overall there are a few things which mess with me.. 

I don't like the abrupt shoulder at the horn. I worry as i use the horn a lot for drawing out and the  distance between face and horm proper  is greater than I'd like to have.. 

Other thing is the hardie hole is over the feet.. This makes it very stable but you can't pass a rod through or a long drift through vs  having the hole over air.. 

I will as some point put in another hardie hole at the heel where the pritchel hole is now and will make punch /upsetting jigs for it.. 

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38 minutes ago, jlpservicesinc said:

A great high quality anvil..  It really all depends on how much you want it.. 

I would pass as I want and need good corners.. 

I have the newer editon of the Peddinghaus and while i like the anvil overall there are a few things which mess with me.. 

I don't like the abrupt shoulder at the horn. I worry as i use the horn a lot for drawing out and the  distance between face and horm proper  is greater than I'd like to have.. 

Other thing is the hardie hole is over the feet.. This makes it very stable but you can't pass a rod through or a long drift through vs  having the hole over air.. 

I will as some point put in another hardie hole at the heel where the pritchel hole is now and will make punch /upsetting jigs for it.. 

hello jlpsevervicesinc .. so in your opinion the chipped edges are to bad to dress them or radius them  ?? thanks, JT

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Everybody works in different ways.  If I had that anvil I'd probably not touch the edges except for rounding them off a tad in places; other people like crisp edges (and hopefully don't work with real wrought iron).  I'd say that anvil was in very good using shape!

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44 minutes ago, JT said:

hello jlpsevervicesinc .. so in your opinion the chipped edges are to bad to dress them or radius them  ?? thanks, JT

I really couldn't see clearly enough to what radius would be needed to get a clean edge..     For some this would be a no brainer and run to buy it..    

But, now I am more picky..  Question becomes how badly do you want a really large anvil and will it fit into what you want.. An anvil of that size has a wider face? 

Will that effect the items you usually work on..  A wider face means you will have to forge more on the tail for narrower parts or use a set in the hardie hole or forge with the boss at 180Degrees from itself then rounded and turned to have both bosses in line.. 

I'm in no way trying to talk you out of it..   A few years ago I more than likely would have gone and bought it unless the edges wouldn't clean up to a reasonable radius.. 

I'm just getting pickier now.. The next purchase will be a refflinghaus 400+ as it still has a narrower face and I like a side shelf.. 

You might buy it and love it..but it really does depend on what you need or want in an anvil..    Sorry I can't help you with that.. 

Decide on radius that is acceptable to you and then decide if the work needed to clean it up is worth it.. Remember a lot of people will give you guff about cleaning it up.. 

If it was 1500.00 I'd buy it just for the matter of it.. Last HB 368 in good shape was 1200.00 But all the corners were decent, but it had a torch mark in the heel.. It was worth it to me.. 

Make sure you don't buy it and then have remorse about it..  Go into it with a set goal in mind of what is acceptable and what isn't.. 

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