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I Forge Iron

Cameron and Ames Blacksmith Shop, Barkerville BC.

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Thanks swede. There won't be a bucket. Ash will just dump onto ground / concrete.

I've been lusting after a brick forge for a while now. It's finally happening.

The top is now finished.




I ordered this fire pot from Thak Ironworks in Ontario. Great place to deal with. It's also made in Ontario.


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  • 2 years later...

Mr. O'Connell, I just saw your video with Dan Hurd and thought I'd Google your shop.  It looks amazing! You're a talented and lucky man.  I would love to do some living history work.  Do they pay you? If so, is it s living wage? I'm just north of Boston and I've always been interested in living history.


Love your pictures! 

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Good Morning Berrie,

Welcome from the 'Left Coast'

Barkerville is somewhere around the center of British Columbia, call it 9-11 hours north of Vancouver. Bowron Lakes are some of the greatest Canoe trips. Don't take a watch and time yourself with a Calendar. Once you realize there is life beyond the Right Coast, you MAY fit in. Tea is not a required staple. Learning with your mouth closed is a bonus!!

John Newman makes those fire-pots, they are about 1 1/4" thick. We have been using ours for almost 20 years. They take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.

Enjoy the ride!


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Welcome aboard Berrle, glad to have yu. If you put your general location in the header you'll have a better chance of meeting up with members living within visiting distance. That and a great deal of things we discuss are location specific, especially if you're looking for something, equipment, tools, materials fuel, etc.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey everyone. So sorry it's been so long since I have posted. Life gets in the way some times, and I have been struggling with my mental health. I have just recently (at 45 years old) been diagnosed with autism and adhd. I'm doing great now and will be posting more. If you are struggling with mental health yourself, please reach out to somebody. Things seem so much worse than they are when you are in a depressive state, but loved ones and professionals are there to help you.

Hey Berrle. I had a lot of fun working with Dan. He's a good guy and very energetic! I do get paid and it is a very good wage. Barkerville and my boss are very good to me. I get laid off in the winter but still work two days a week. People order things on Barkerville's website and I will come to make those, and also just try to build up stock. I also come in to work on my own stuff. Coming in to the shop in the winter is very satisfying, and lets me work in a more relaxed atmosphere.


Here are a few pictures of the new forge, which we named Geordi.






My boss Mr. Hankin and I at the shop.


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It's good to see your AVATAR in my inbox again, Mr. O'connell. It's turning into a gooder and gooder 01/01! 

Thanks for the shop pics, it's always good to see how professionals do things and where they work. I don't know if it's my favorite but I like the last pic a lot,  excellent composition, lighting and just generally a very pro photo. It shows a very contemplative soul. 

 Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 1 year later...

A picture from yesterday. This a large keychain for the theater bathroom. There is a small hole at the bottom for a keyring.



Living space at rear of shop. Small kitchen, woodstove and bed.

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Fixed edit problem..
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The edit function time was really shortened with the last software update. You can report the post and ask one of the moderators to edit it for you for an important edit. I have found if you make a reply within a reasonable amount of time, the system will merge it with the latest post above the reply.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus



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