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I Forge Iron

First rams head

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Made my first rams head tonight. Turned out better than I thought it would. Still need to make a few more. Definitely one of those projects you have to go step by step on. 

This one I made out of the head of a railroad spike. Next one I think I will try the folding method so I can get more horn out of it. As this one stands it's not a shooter. 

Not sure what to with the rest of the spike. Maybe a bottle opener?




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That's a good effort for a first try. Using a rail spike would not be the easiest way to make a ram's head. Try to ensure the cut for the horns is central.

Try again with a length of 1/2 inch square bar (easier if you use stock long enough to hold without tongs), flatten the end to about 2 inches and make a chisel cut down the centre of the flat piece. (Use a hacksaw or disc if you like) Spread the horns and fold the stock over about an inch down. Then away you go with the shaping of the head, chisel the mouth, punch the nose and eyes, twist the horns (making sure they are in opposite directions), bend the horns back and then curl them forward and presto!

For a bottle opener, you can leave the head looking away or bend it back to look at the business end. Then cut the stock to length. I make them both ways but find the away looking ones sell better. A bit of brass on the horns looks good too.

I think you'll find the square bar much easier than the spike. Forge on!

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20 hours ago, BlasterJoe said:

Thanks aus. I will try that on the next one. Do you have to forge weld the fold? 

I used to do that but found it to be unnecessary. I do a lot of these ram's heads for demos and never forge weld for two reasons: people don't like getting showered with sparks, and I'm also not that good at it. Sometimes takes sometimes not. And you run the risk of burning the horns getting the thing up to weld temp.

Just fold it down tightly and all's good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Little Mac said:

Nice work, I like it . My first attempt at a horse head for my little granddaughter and she said " nice cow papa " ! 

She is 4 years old hahaha  what to say !      Cheers 

 The last animal I made was a sketch of an idea for a "portrait" of my pit bull Lola. A couple of people saw it and said, "Nice hippo!"

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