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I Forge Iron

Memorial knife


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Is there anywhere I can have human ashes mixed into the metal of a knife? Need a  business or something somewhere I could send the ashes please there are four young boys who lost their father and they are really wanting this but I can't find anything anywhere please help

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IFI member (and Forged In Fire champion) TheoRockNazz has done some impressive work with casting interesting materials into knife handles, and cremation ashes have come up as a possibility in one of his threads in particular.

Returning to your original question, getting ashes into steel would be both technically tricky and metallurgically pointless. The calcium phosphates that make up most of human ash would probably end up driven out as slag and would not contribute to the structure or strength of the steel.

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Okay I thought so but I wanted to double-check I'm new to this forum and I know nothing about forging or metals or knife or anything I'm trying to do it for my for younger nephews they lost their dad two months ago so thank you very much for all your help theo has responded to my message and we are conversing now I will let you know the results thank you very much again

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Mr. Aries,

Forgive me if this post is repetitive or belabors the obvious.

But here goes.

Knife making, is most of the time, a two step process. Step one is to fashion the knife. Step two is usually to make a handle. The gang has explained that adding ash to steel is not a good idea.

So, why not fashion the knife and then make the handle with integrated ashes?

The knife part can be made by either stock reduction or the more skill requiring smithing of "raw" steel or even as a kit that can be bought at toll seller. (e.g. Woodcraft). The kit comes with blade knife-makers rivets but without a handle. That's how I started out long ago.

That way you can make the blade first and when you are satisfied with the blade. Then commit the ashes in the handle making step.

If you live close to New York City, you might want to contact Mr. Theo. He has, recently, started running a hammer-in monthly. You might attend that if you live close by. You could be located anywhere in the world. We have members situated all over said World. You have not divulged your location in your profile. Contact him, to ask for instructions. Or commission him to do it, if knife making is not your thing.

You have started a noble enterprise.

Pursue it.




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Thank you for your information with what we have learned in the last 24 hours we are looking to integrate the ashes into the handle instead of the blade I'm not looking to Fashion one myself as of this time these are far too important for me to start with in time it would be something I could pursue but not with these with no experience knives are something I'm very interested in learning more about as I collect them and use them for personal protection but as of this moment this would not be a good starter project I have been in touch with mr. Theo we have been emailing each other I have not received a response from him in regards to the last email I sent and now I am nowhere near New York I live in Northeast Georgia but I have asked him if he would be interested in making these four for my nephews again I am awaiting his response thank you again for your help and taking the time and consideration all information is greatly appreciated

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