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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Aries555

  1. Thank you for your information with what we have learned in the last 24 hours we are looking to integrate the ashes into the handle instead of the blade I'm not looking to Fashion one myself as of this time these are far too important for me to start with in time it would be something I could pursue but not with these with no experience knives are something I'm very interested in learning more about as I collect them and use them for personal protection but as of this moment this would not be a good starter project I have been in touch with mr. Theo we have been emailing each other I have not received a response from him in regards to the last email I sent and now I am nowhere near New York I live in Northeast Georgia but I have asked him if he would be interested in making these four for my nephews again I am awaiting his response thank you again for your help and taking the time and consideration all information is greatly appreciated
  2. I will not be the one making them I know nothing about metal or forging or anything I'm trying to get them made for my nephews who lost their dad two months ago
  3. Okay I thought so but I wanted to double-check I'm new to this forum and I know nothing about forging or metals or knife or anything I'm trying to do it for my for younger nephews they lost their dad two months ago so thank you very much for all your help theo has responded to my message and we are conversing now I will let you know the results thank you very much again
  4. That's the same artist correct?
  5. Thank you I have emailed TheoRockNazz hopefully I will know something soon thank you again!
  6. Is there anywhere I can have human ashes mixed into the metal of a knife? Need a business or something somewhere I could send the ashes please there are four young boys who lost their father and they are really wanting this but I can't find anything anywhere please help
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