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I Forge Iron

Warming up nicely


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After last summer I planned INDOOR projects for this summer, I flirted with heat stroke several times last summer in spite of every precaution.  It's the humidity down here that gets you, air so thick it's hard to even move.  I sat outside under a covered patio today, "only" 90 degrees but I was dripping sweat literally just sitting there doing nothing.   We talk so slow down here, drawling everything out, because it just takes so much energy!  :P

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I'm with you, Thomas, fire is natures way of clearing the understory, and plants have adapted to it. You should see an over grown pasture that has been hurt off in winter. The spring growth is amazing (you can increase your stocking rates by 10% or expect your stock to be fat) same for forests, but the issue is we have suppressed the fires to the point now the under story is so over grown with so much fuel the mature trees don't survive. Not that the standing timber isn't still valuable, but it takes decades for the ecosystem to recover. 

Goats and manual labor has been used to good effect, but their are conservation groops have blocked theise operations in the past (the Heber/Overgard fire in northern Arizona is a prime example, operations in the fall/winter were blocked, the next summer everything burnt). 

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I remember the pitch pine forests in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.  The pine cones don't open to allow germination of seeds until a fire has passed over them---then you get areas of new growth so dense that even the deer go around them!  The only reason I mow the brush on our acre is to just lower the amount of fuel. The stucco house with steel roof can withstand small fires very well.  With me being away during the monsoon season I will probably end up doing controlled burns when it dries out later this year.  Tumble weeds are scarey when they ignite!

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