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I Forge Iron

Armitage anvils

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I just but a few anvils and don't much about them one is a Armitage with the numbers 1 -0 - 18 what does this mean as for as age and weight, and a average of sale price, and as you can see the second anvil it had a square chunk of steel welded on to the top surface does that kill the value of the anvil, I believe it is a Peter Wright, thank for any help.



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I cant really help:( but was just wondering how much you paid for them? was it all four in the pic that you bought.


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"M & H Armitage" indicates a date of 1820 to 1835, when Morgan and Henry ran the company. They started adding the pritchel hole in 1830, so that one is 1830-1835, exactly the same age (if slightly lighter) than the one I've been using off and on for thirty years. Wouldn't trade it for gold.

Well, maybe gold. 

Or cash money.

Out of curiosity, what did you pay for the four?

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