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I Forge Iron

Forgemaster Blacksmith Model temp problem

Peter Newman

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Yes you do! There is no way that a manufacturer can provide the hot-face coating on a product that must be freighted over hundreds or thousands of miles, and have any expectation that it will survive the bumping and jiggling; so no manufacture is going to try. No manufacturer is going to send something like Satanite and ask you to paint it on. For them the safe path is to keep shut about the whole can of worms. What you do to improve the forge is your own lookout; or not...


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Well, I can tell you what and how to do stuff; what you think about others...I'm not going there. I would have thought by now that your mind would be thinking over The guy's two videos, who owns a Diamond back forge and getting some ideas about making your.

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Hi Mikey, thanks again for taking the time to your advices.

I'm not completely following you. I get that you believe the best option is to build one myself but which videos are you talking about?

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No, Dom.

What option is best FOR YOU is something nobody else can decide. I think it is best to make your decision, whatever it is, with your eyes wide open. Just input gas forge on YouTube and up will pop a bunch of them; some good, and some bad. The point of viewing them is for it to bring up questions about them in your mind; not to provide answers; those come from reading and asking well-thought-out questions about what you think you are seeing.

Tubular gas forges are are the best design, because I am an expert in good standing and I say so. So just shut your mind and think what I think, on account of that is right thinking...or maybe not. If you wouldn't swallow that guff, then don't by what the guys think about their forges; think for your self.

I like tube forges; I've built a lot of them; they all got very hot. But there are oval forges, and "D" forges, and square forges, and brick pile forges that get quite hot too. Beyond the obvious goal; a real hot forge that doesn't use a lot of fuel to do so, everything boils down to a case of the druthers; what's yours?

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I understand what your saying but propane is to me a whole new world if we're not talking about grilling steaks.
I have the opportunity through this forum to get the opinions and advice of a whole bunch of different people with a lot more experience than me on the subject.
People such as you who've written a reference on the subject and many others who just go by their own personal experience.
By aggregating all that knowledge I can take a better decision. It doesn't mean that it'll be the best, but at least I can say that it'll the most informed.

I'm not looking for someone who tells me what to do. But I value your opinion and Frosty's and Glenn's and the opinion of all those gracious enough
to help beginners along the way.

If you ever want to know what is the best task scheduling algorithm for a monolithic operating system kernel or what multi-threading model is the most efficient in certain circumstances, I could give you my opinion or I could tell you that it all depends and go write your own operating system.

Both methods works, but sometimes it is useful to be given pointers by people more knowledgeable than us.

Thank you for all the advice you've given me.

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19 hours ago, Dom said:

If you ever want to know what is the best task scheduling algorithm for a monolithic operating system kernel or what multi-threading model is the most efficient in certain circumstances, I could give you my opinion or I could tell you that it all depends and go write your own operating system.

LOL!  You might be surprised at how many people could also give you a great argument on that topic here.  (I prefer a modified round robin scheme with quantum based time slicing,  priority levels, priority boosting, and non-boosted, non-quantum real time priority levels.  But it all depends and you should probably write your own to suit your specific needs. 8*)).


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1 hour ago, Brian Hibbert said:

LOL!  You might be surprised at how many people could also give you a great argument on that topic here.  (I prefer a modified round robin scheme with quantum based time slicing,  priority levels, priority boosting, and non-boosted, non-quantum real time priority levels.  But it all depends and you should probably write your own to suit your specific needs. 8*)).


Geez... I wasn't trying to impress someone with some deep knowledge only known to me and a few select individuals.
It is just an example of something that I'm knowledgeable about and that not everyone might be. I also happen to like talking about operating system design and low level perfomance analysis.

Anyway, wrong forum.

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Sorry, that wasn't meant as a slam.  I USED to work on OS internals (crash analysis mostly) and just threw out a rough description of the OpenVMS scheduler.  Others here have mentioned that they've been working in the computer industry as well and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some know more about scheduler designs that that 2 of us combined...  This forum seems to have a pretty deep skill set in addition to blacksmithing (on just about any topic you can name).   

Your questions have generated some great responses and some advice that I'll be following as well. 

I'm just learning this craft and have been trying to decide what's best to do for heating up steel.  The wife doesn't like the strong smoky smell so I'm going to gas.    I've already started gathering what I need to build a Frosty burner and will start the assembly once the rest of the pieces are available (in the next couple of days).  Then I'll start building something to house the heat it generates... probably a brick pile first, then move it to a propane or Freon tank.  

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No sweat.

Using what I've learned here, I've been able to ask more specific questions from gas forge manufacturers and think more critically about their answers.
Just that is a tremendous help. I'll continue my research on my own.

Nice... OpenVMS ;)


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